Please help get Yoder’s article on Florida’s unhoused registrants out on Twitter

We have the opportunity to spread the valuable information that Steven Yoder wrote about in his recently published article in The Appeal:  “As Florida’s Unhoused Sex Offense Registrant Population Booms, Group Ask UN for Help.”

For our members who have a Twitter account, please retweet Yoder’s article.  Here is a Tweet that he posted that can be retweeted:

Yoder will be promoting it again on Twitter tomorrow and Monday, so please watch his feed here and retweet it.  That would be a great help to reach A LOT of people with the truth.

8 thoughts on “Please help get Yoder’s article on Florida’s unhoused registrants out on Twitter

  • March 24, 2023

    I will NOT help, support, aide, endorse anything of this matter. Our kids and others are more important to me than making sure [registered sex offenders] who will never change are PROTECETED by any law. [MODERATED]

    [FAC: Cited article contradicts comment claim that “[registered sex offenders] who will never change”. Approving for discussion purposes.]

    • March 24, 2023

      I just read the article that the gentleman provided a link for and I’mconfused by his response, since the “proffesionals” stated that there was a 1-3% recidivism rate for treated offenders. Seems like that should put his concerns to rest !

    • March 24, 2023

      I believe Darrick is expressing his disagreement with the linked article. That’s why his claim contradicts it.

      Of course, the view Darrick is expressing— that we should not invest in treatment and rehabilitation of former sex offenders— is an unusual one for someone who claims to believe in child safety.

    • March 25, 2023

      You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however to believe sex offenders can “never change” is to believe that the cycle of abuse can never end. Abuse is cylical. Many of the sex offenders you cannot support today were once abused kids you hold so dear and the violent, unrepentant monsters of the headlines you have in your head aren’t who we’re even talking about.

      Regardless of any of that, do you really want to live in a country where the government can force people into homelessness and be denied housing assistance because of a crime they committed often decades in the past? Even using your logic, that sex offenders are horrible people who can never change, means that those people are just roaming the streets. Does that sound to you like a policy which creates safe communities and protects children?

      • March 25, 2023

        This is a wonderfully thoughtful response. Thank you!

      • March 26, 2023

        rpsabq – Exactly. I often say…where were you when they were being harmed?

        On a side note….people may commit a sex offense but unless they continue to go around offending people sexually, they are not a sex offender. List or no list…no one else gets a label nor should those trying to right their wrong. 🙂

    • March 25, 2023

      The idea that those convicted of a sex crime are incapable of change is simply not true. This belief that people on the registry will continue to be a threat to society is simply not true. The greatest danger to children are the people who have not been caught. I say that you are wrong because I will stand here as an example. I screwed up ten years ago by answering an ad on Craigslist. I was fighting depression and anger and engaged in cheating on my wife. I walked into a police sting and threw away my career in medicine and academics. Nearly lost my wife and family. I have worked hard to redeem myself despite the harassment from misguided people, law enforcement, and spammers. I’ve been turned down for jobs that I’m over qualified for, I’ve been homeless and separated from family because of probationary policy. So please don’t tell me people can’t change. I accepted my punishment and vowed to never make the mistakes that led me to that awful day.

  • March 27, 2023

    He believes the lies that politicians and in Florida Sheriffs say to get reelected, not the TRUE facts.


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