PLEASE COMMENT ON THE SOURCE: What do you think about Jacksonville not enforcing the sign requirement for sex offenders on Halloween?

Two registered sex offenders filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Jacksonville because they want to decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays. Thursday, the offenders asked the judge to pause the city sign requirement outside their home because they believe it’s unconstitutional.

Sex offenders in Jacksonville are required to have signs posted outside their home that read “no candy or treats here” so that children don’t trick-or-treat at their homes on Halloween. Because of the lawsuit, the city of Jacksonville has agreed not to enforce the sign requirement while the case is under judicial review.

Parents will need to check the sex offender registry before they go trick-or-treating if they want to avoid those homes.

We want to hear from you. What do you think about the city not enforcing the sign requirement for sex offenders on Halloween?


39 thoughts on “PLEASE COMMENT ON THE SOURCE: What do you think about Jacksonville not enforcing the sign requirement for sex offenders on Halloween?

  • September 22, 2022

    A lot of questions:

    Does this apply to just the two plaintiffs?

    Can they decorate their house? Or are the just forced to not place a visible sign and sit alone in the dark?

    What about other holidays and special events?

    • September 22, 2022

      Anonymous – this is a news story. There is no court order attached to it. If you have questions about your personal situation please reach out to the Jacksonville/Duval registration office.

    • September 22, 2022

      In the hearing this morning the city attorney was really vacillating on what are reasonable decorations. The ordinance is going to have to be changed whether by order or negotiation. The process has started.

  • September 22, 2022

    140 charaters is not a lot of space but I made a submission. I just said it should never have passed in thr first place, is unconstitutional, and based on vengeance.

  • September 22, 2022

    I sent in my resounding NO! to their survey.

    It is important for others to do so as this particular news station always announces the results of their surveys live on air. We need for the viewers/public to see that there is much opposition.

    The survey does give you about a line and a half for a statement. I only had room to write “93% of minors know their perpetrator.” I need someone to comment on the following:

    At least 90% of future sex offenses will be by people NOT on the registry. Evidence-Based Recidivism Meta-Analysis Study 2021.pdf

    The only safe way to protect your child on Halloween is to personally accompany them yourself.

    There is NO research showing that these ordinances are effective.

    These ordinances are extremely punitive to the family members who live with the person on the registry, particularly for their children.

    Evidence shows that there is no connection at all between Halloween and sexual harm done to children.

    Boston Review, “Halloween and Stranger Danger”, Oct. 31, 2019: Almost all sex crimes committee by strangers on Halloween are committed by people NOT on the registry.

    Boston Review: Children are ten times likelier to be struck by a car on Halloween than on any other day.

    The stranger danger is based on myths.

    Association for the Treatment of Sex Abusers: There is no change in the rate of sexual crimes by non-family members during Halloween.

    Association for the Treatment of Sex Abusers: The crimes that do increase around Halloween are vandalism and property destruction, as well as theft, assault, and burglary.

    Emily Horowitz, Huffington Post 2014: Research shows no evidence of increased child sex abuse on Halloween.

    Jill Levenson ATSA 2014: Using national incident-based reporting system crime report data from 1997-2005, there were no significant increases in sex crimes on or around Halloween.

  • September 22, 2022

    Submitted, saying if RSOs make trick or treating so dangerous, don’t do it.

    A side note, I wouldn’t trust the city of Jacksonville on anything. Don’t be surprised if there is a roundup of registrants the day after Halloween for unauthorized contact with minors.

  • September 22, 2022

    What’s next, a sign around my neck, a tstoo on my forehead. But if you murdered someone years agon different rules ! Going on 25 years of agony now.

    • September 22, 2022

      Please share your thoughts on the source article.

  • September 22, 2022

    I think the city is on the right track and their actions are good faith. Best action is the rescind of the city ordinance. The city should publicize that parents are responsible to ensure their children are safe when trick or treating, and all minor children should be accompanied by a responsible older child who can accept the responsibility for younger ones. Any child can be subject to illegal behavior by any unscrupulous or nefarious thug or villain. Vulnerable children should not be out on this night unsupervised, and parents will be the first to be held accountable for dangers to unsupervised children.

  • September 22, 2022

    Why don’t we have a map displayed over Jacksonville houses that have been arrested for a DUI, so I know which drivers I need to worry about. Just made it to the 140
    Limit. Was my submission.

    • September 22, 2022

      If convicted twice of a dui (or once for dui manslaughter), i suggest a big magnetic sign that says “DUI driver” required to be visible from the back of the car, and which the driver can move from car to car. You know, for safety. Actually really for safety and not a bad idea if i say so myself.

  • September 22, 2022

    Duval’s Halloween ordinance has completely failed to prevent child sexual abuse. The time to retire this ordinance is long overdue.

    (That’s my take, and about all I had room to say).

  • September 22, 2022

    This idea has got to be the dumbest things I heard in a long while. Parents accompany children trick or treating. in most Areas police are very visible wherever halloweeners are. There has not been a recorded incident of sexual predators toward halloweeners ever. Why should those who have paid their debt and continue as law abiding citizens be subjected to more rights being taken away. if they learned their lesson they should be left alone.

    • September 22, 2022

      please share your comments at the source

  • September 22, 2022

    I sent the link to the ATSA (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers) Halloween policy position page:
    I also posted the link on the comments page with the admonition “Let’s help END sexual abuse by learning the facts. “

  • September 22, 2022


    Thu, Sep 22











    Fill out the form below and your response may be read on a TV

    newscast on Channel 4.

    Hey Rachel d, thanks for asking your question: “It’s long overdue. Recidivism among offenders is astronomically low and most kids tend to be sexually abused by people they know and trust. ”

    If we’re able to investigate it further, we’ll email you

    Feel free to encourage your friends to ask questions, too!







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  • September 22, 2022

    I also added to comments on the channel 4 page- several really positive comments on there.
    ” The registry is strictly punitive and keeps no one safe. Reoffending rates are among the lowest of any crime and most kids are abused by people they know and trust- family members, church, school etc. A sex offender is punished for life as a result of the registry, often made homeless and unemployed due to the restrictions. This is unconstitutional. I’m not talking about violent acts, but the registry includes 18 year olds who had sex with 16 year olds, even if the marry later, people with pics on the computer who would never touch a child, young teens sexting, and these poor saps on adult sites who get catfished by police so they look like they’re doing something so they can keep the federal funds coming. It’s ludicrous, but as long as the media and politicians keep putting scary stories with no research out there, it will continue.”

    • September 22, 2022

      THANK YOU!

  • September 22, 2022

    In New Mexico, there is no such requirement. To the best of my knowledge, there has been no increased danger to children trick or treating. There is no evidence that I could obtain that decorating your home has any increased risk to children. Stranger danger is actually a low threat to children because most children are sexually assaulted by someone known to the child.

    • September 22, 2022

      please share your comments at the source

  • September 22, 2022

    While on paper for 5 yrs in Michigan, my group therapist said no exterior lights, no interior lights, no decorations. Don’t even walk around in your house. Ever hear of solitary? But the registry isn’t punishment. I’ve seen so much about registry issues being found unconditional, yet the registry and ordinances like this still exist. Of course it’s awesome the vigilante signs aren’t being forced. But there’s other municipalities, states, and the country of registrants screaming for relief. I HATE we settle for small victories. But we HAVE to take them

    • September 22, 2022

      please share your comments at the source

  • September 22, 2022

    I can’t understand how it is possible that if someThing here is unconstitutional and then can be made law. So, I am tired. It is about time all this is brought to light. This is the USA for all but sex offenders and murderers. I applaud these people. Just because these laws were passed does not necessarily make them legal. That is the real truth

    • September 22, 2022

      please share your comments at the source

  • September 22, 2022

    Nothing has happened since the registry started. Why add another mail in our coffin?. We have more life to live if we can. Besides ‘IF’ something happened on Halloween it would be someone not on the registry. “God Forbid” Please keep the children safe!!……

  • September 22, 2022

    Last year my probation officer forced me to put a sign on my door that said “no Tricks No Treats”. I worry that they may try to make me do it again this year. I live in tallahassee. the new case law out of Georgia I hope will quell any forceable compelled speech to be hung on my door. I will be sending a copy of that case to FDC probation here in tallahassee

    • September 23, 2022

      Can you say Title 18 U.S.C. Section 242 violation. Look it up.

  • September 22, 2022

    They’re only allowing 140 characters [like a tweet] on the linked form. Here’s what I said:

    “I agree with COJ not enforcing it. The sign only punishes the families of registered citizens with probable vandalization & vigilantism.”

  • September 22, 2022

    The link that you sent to the news article doe not work, no article listed about the signs.

  • September 22, 2022

    Very stupid ordinance to begin with pushed by no-confidence individuals looking for a way to gain unearned power. Despicable. The perpetrators should be fired and punished. <—- That’s a period.

  • September 22, 2022

    Reminder to all registered citizens. Florida now has a statute that prohibits residential picketing:

    810.15 Residential picketing.—
    (1) As used in this section, the term “dwelling” means a building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more families.
    (2) It is unlawful for a person to picket or protest before or about the dwelling of any person with the intent to harass or disturb that person in his or her dwelling.
    (3) A person who violates this section commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
    (4) Before a person may be arrested for a violation of this section, a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(1), or a local, state, federal, or military law enforcement agency must go as near to the person as may be done with safety and shall command any person picketing or protesting before or about the dwelling of a person to immediately and peaceably disperse. If any such person does not thereupon immediately and peaceably disperse, he or she may be arrested for a violation of this section.
    History.—s. 1, ch. 2022-118.

    So call law enforcement immediately if any person or persons [mob] is doing this to you or your family at any time. Equal protection under the law.

  • September 23, 2022

    What do I think of this? I think its a damn shame that it takes a lawsuit to stop blatantly unconstitutional ordinances and laws.
    Politicians and officials who create these stupid rules are no different than a bratty kid who tells a parent, “you never told me I can’t, so I’m going to keep doing it until you tell me to stop.”

    • September 23, 2022

      Welcome to Floriduh!

  • September 23, 2022

    I am a registered sex offender, and I live in Jacksonville Fl. Sex crimes cause high emotions in people, especially when a child is involved. This causes an “over the top” reaction to sex offenders. I understand that. But some “over the top” reactions are “OVER THE TOP” Exp, signs in yards; special auto tags; registering every 90 days; paying a fee for a
    ” court ordered “registration, the list goes on. Restrictions on a murderer are less. Thanks to organizations like Florida Action Committee and Fla Justice Institute ,the “OVER THE TOP” restrictions are coming to light and hopefully emotions taken out of the sex crime punishment.

  • September 23, 2022

    Georgia’s ruling heavily relied and debated on whether the signs were places on private or public property. The Jacksonville signs look like they are to be on private property… a sure win for us.

  • September 28, 2022

    I live in Clay County, next to Duval. I voluntarily put up a no candy sign every year, trying to be proactive and avoid issues. Shame that I have to feel it necessary.
    It also stinks that I live at my sister’s house, and she used to really love decorating for Halloween. Shame I also had to convince her not to decorate for “Fall” until November 1st, lest it be misinterpreted as Halloween decorations. This is despite the fact I live in a trailer way at the back of the property.
    The upside of this is that I have been doing a large synchronized Christmas light show in the front yard for 12 years now with no complaint from the Sheriff’s office. In fact, have received a few compliments from them. I think they know better that argue about a major religious holiday, and I remain a behind-the-scenes engineer, and I collect donations for the local animal shelter. Otherwise, I’d probably be worried…

    • January 9, 2024

      If you allow a sex offender to live with you in your home, is your home then added to the registry for all to see when someone does a search?


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