Plantation man arrested on charges of extorting, harassing state Sen. Lauren Book

Florida police have arrested 19-year-old XXXX of Plantation on cyber stalking and extortion charges after he allegedly faked sexually-explicit photos of state Sen. Lauren Book and threatened to distribute them to news media outlets.

Book, a Plantation Democrat who chairs the Senate Democratic Caucus, is a widely known advocate for victims of child abuse and sexual abuse.

According to the Broward County Sheriff’s arrest report, Book — whose name is redacted — complained to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) that she had received multiple text messages from an unknown number that included two photographs of the senator “with exposed breasts” and also threatened to “leak the photos to Fox and her career would be over.”

XXXXalso allegedly texted sexually explicit photos that included female genitalia and the portrayal of a sexual act, and asked for $5,000 in gift cards in exchange for destroying the photos. Book told agents that she recognized the first two pictures of her breasts as those “she had taken of herself and only shared with a close friend.”

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43 thoughts on “Plantation man arrested on charges of extorting, harassing state Sen. Lauren Book

  • December 4, 2021




    • December 4, 2021


      As my great friend Ricky Ricardo use to say “Lucy you got some splainin to do”.

  • December 3, 2021

    Can someone provide the accused contact info to me? I would like to make a donation to this individual’s legal fund. Thank you

  • December 3, 2021

    I’m more curious to find out what was behind a 19 yr old doing this. We like to say “a Plantation man” but seriously, “man”…. I hardly see a 19 yr old as a “man”, regardless of what the government’s idea of adulthood is. If he were the victim of something, he’d be referred to as a “teen” in the article. I’ve seen it many times with 18 and 19 yr olds when they are the victims. But when they’re the perpetrators, suddenly they’re “women” and “men”.

  • December 3, 2021

    Considering Lauren Book’s past track record of lying about being stalked, you’ll have to excuse my skepticism here.

    It seems the Miami Herald’s journalistic standards have fallen off a cliff. Remember when the Miami Herald reported facts and qrote hjard hitting stories instead of kissing up to politicians? I don’t see where my fight over Lauren’s lies had any relevance here.

    So Senator Book can once again claim victim status at a time that her ratings were slipping because of her ineptitude as the Democrat Senate leader?

  • December 3, 2021

    For anyone laughing and saying this is a good thing, you are wrong. Hell hath no fury like a Book that is scorned. When you stir up a hive of hornets, well we are ALL going to pay for this somehow.

    This is not how we move forward. Although only one (supposedly) person was involved, we are all as a collective going to be punished. Just like all these new laws, rules, and ordinances, they do not take individual circumstances under advisement. We all suffer for what a few have done.

    • December 3, 2021

      I can’t imagine what idiotic law she will come up with next. She already helped pass a law that allows criminal charges for statements made about someone but not directed at them. She us obsessed with taking me down, so I suspect she will try her best to tie this person to me somehow.

      • December 4, 2021

        What law is that? How does it work? What is the statute for reference?

        Curious… Could help those who are harrassed for being on the hit list?

        • December 5, 2021

          CS/HB 921, signed into law on 7/6/2021 (as Chapter No. 2021-220), contains a rather vague provision to the state’s cyberstalking law:

          (d) “Cyberstalk” means:

          To engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, directly or indirectly, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at or pertaining to a specific person;

          • December 5, 2021

            It seems when I cut and pasted the new law, it did not show the additions made to the definition of cyberstalking. Book added “or indirectly” and “or pertaining to.”

            But, if you think this is going to help US in any way, I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you. This will merely be abused by Book and other pols who want to silence critics.

  • December 3, 2021

    Oh, I could wish worse things than this on her. But nothing that’s as bad as the registry she so loves.

    She may be humiliated for one news cycle, but she can escape back into anonymity legally. Registrants can’t.


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