Petition to stop mandatory reporting of sexual activity.

Before you jump to conclusions about the title – no, this is not to prevent mandatory reporting of sexual abuse or illegal sexual behavior.

Teachers in an Oregon school district were recently told that when they learn, or suspect, a student is sexually active, they must report it to law enforcement or state officials. According to an article in the Statesman Journal, the laws are “meant to protect children, but the district’s clarification of the law is being criticized for being applied to sexually active, consenting teens.”

In Oregon, any person younger than 18 is unable to give consent, so any sexual activity, even consensual sexual activity between teens, is considered abuse and needs to be reported. While there is a 3 years age difference required for conviction, still, who wants consensual relations among high-school boyfriend/girlfriends reported to police?

A petition on has been started to challenge this policy.

5 thoughts on “Petition to stop mandatory reporting of sexual activity.

  • November 2, 2017

    Oh just fabulous, this one is a real brain bomb. No wonder society is so screwed up. Our privacy has completely disappeared. When does government implant the chips so they can read our thoughts and arrest us for what we think.

  • November 3, 2017

    If this is supposedly the most developed country on earth in everything why is it so hung up when comes to anything having to do with sex

  • November 3, 2017

    I knew at some point it was going to get to this. I won’t be surprised if they ever outlaw ” sexual activity ” of all types all together for everyone. I’m so glad I grew up in times where none of this mattered and it was normal and expected especially in high school. I feel bad for today’s youngsters and the future, if this non sense keeps up.

  • November 4, 2017

    My goodness – when will this all end? It is complete insanity.

  • November 7, 2017

    So, who is the abuser and who is the victim exactly?


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