Petition to require registrants to have some sort of marker on their Georgia ID

A petition with almost 10,000 signatures has been started by friends of a female bartender who was kidnapped, raped and killed by a man on the Georgia Sex Offense Registry.

Georgia had required high-risk registrants to wear a GPS ankle monitor, but the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that was unconstitutional.

The people leading the petition drive say that if driver’s licenses of registrants are marked, then bars and clubs in the Atlanta area could keep a closer eye on them.  The problem with this way of thinking, though, is that the victim was not abducted at the bar but in the front yard of her boyfriend’s house.  Did her killer frequent the bar where she worked?  Not mentioned.  Even if he had, would not having allowed him into the victim’s workplace have prevented the heinous crime he committed, which was not at the victim’s workplace?

Marking the driver’s licenses of all people on the Georgia Sex Offense Registry the way Florida does is not the way to prevent this horrible crime.  Using empirically validated risk assessments to put all resources on monitoring the truly high-risk individuals, while removing the lower risk individuals from the registry, is what can help to prevent future sexual crimes.

Any thinking person knows that you do not punish thousands of people because of the acts of one person.


7 thoughts on “Petition to require registrants to have some sort of marker on their Georgia ID

  • October 13, 2021

    I think having ‘DUI’ on a driver’s license at a bar would make more sense for people that have been caught intoxicated behind the wheel. Those are the people the staff at the bar SHOULD be watching……oh…….wait a minute…….what I was I thinking?? My bad! That actually makes sense and might possibly have positive results and save lives, but no, they would never pass such a law, and besides, too many cops and judges and legislators get caught drinking and driving and we couldn’t have that on THEIR driver’s license now could we?!

  • October 13, 2021

    Most bars do not require a person to show ID if they look above the legal drinking age, so how would this prevent anything, or allow staff to “keep an eye” on someone? The common sense thing to do is for staff to be aware of what is going on in their establishment and keep an eye on people who act suspicious. Its also common sense for a woman not to go to a bar alone, but go with a trustworthy friend.

  • October 13, 2021

    This country has always been the type to follow the motto 1 rotten apple spoils the bunch, but than again human history shows this has been a thing for millennia. Blanket punishment, is just an easy ticket, for handling matter’s they would not actually get personally involved with. We know it serves of no real use, other than to embarrass the license holder.

  • October 13, 2021

    This media,, is located

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    I sent them some information via email about our moratorium against derogatory words and the latest ruling on branding IDs.

  • October 13, 2021

    “Any thinking person knows that you do not punish thousands of people because of the acts of one person.”

    And there in a nutshell is the problem. They aren’t thinking nor are they doing any research, they are just using their feelings to come up with another solution that will have no impact whatsoever on future crimes but will allow them themselves to feel better.

    Politicians understand this and if one has not already signed on, be assured one will when it garners enough signatures. Why work hard, get elected, and govern on actual problems when you can champion these sorts of solutions whose results cannot be measured.

  • October 13, 2021

    Scroll down to Reasons for Signing and consider adding your own as OnceFallen has done.


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