Pennsylvania State Police Warns Registrants of Scams

FAC has let the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) know about the scams targeting registrants, over, and over, and over, and over, for years. We have asked repeatedly that they send a postal mail notification to the eighty thousand plus people on the registry, letting them know about the scams that target people on the registry. The FDLE has refused our request and ignored our emails. In 2018 they sent an email, but that is not sufficient. Many registrants cannot use the internet or do not have access to email. The emails often are sent from a bulk mail platform that will wind up as spam.

Pennsylvania State Police is doing the right thing by mailing a letter to all people on the registry letting them know about the scams targeting people on the registry. A copy of the letter they are sending out can be seen below:

PSP Letter

Each week FAC is contacted by registrants who were targeted. Many times it’s only after they were scammed. Most of the time, they only realize it was a scam after they become suspicious and find our warnings online. Since it’s the Sheriff’s offices they are impersonating and it’s the Sheriff’s offices that are supposed to protect the public from these crimes, shouldn’t it be the Sheriff’s offices where they learn of this information?

FAC has printed and will be distributing posters to the Sheriff of each county in Florida, warning registrants about the scam. We encourage them to post the warning posters in the registration offices.

FAC also strongly encourages the FDLE to send a letter through the US Postal Service to every registrant on the Florida Sex Offender Registry and warn them about the scam.

11 thoughts on “Pennsylvania State Police Warns Registrants of Scams

  • November 22, 2022

    Everytime a scammer pretends to be a Florida Law Enforcement Officer, they commit a felony under Florida Statute 843.08. Why doesn’t FDLE investigate these felonies? Because we are the ones who report them and FDLE doesn’t believe our voices matter.

  • November 22, 2022


    How about the memes and messages to rob sex offender homes because their easy to locate and most cant have guns.

    • November 22, 2022

      Who is advocating for robbing registrants’ homes?

      • November 22, 2022

        Posts from the people on social media.

  • November 22, 2022

    Easier than incurring expenses of mailing would be to a) post something at each and every center where registrants go and b) at registration, have law enforcement inform registrants of scams. No cost and you ensure all registrants are notified at some point. Works for monthly probation meetings too.
    It doesn’t get the word out all at the same time though……

  • November 22, 2022

    They could save a ton of money by only sending the notices to the one who currently live in the United Soviet Republic of Florida, who are actually alive!

    • November 22, 2022

      United Soviet Republic of Florida. Hahahaha. We would’ve also accepted Nationalist Socialist Floridian Workers Party as an answer.

  • November 22, 2022

    I have a super, fantastic, amazing idea, but law enforcement would not agree to it. Let someone on the registry go to meet someone to pay them money for this so called pending arrest. Have undercover cops hiding nearby and as soon as the marked and tracked money, supplied by FDLE agents, is handed over, law enforcement would swoop in and take the bad guy(s) down.

    Afterwards there could be a “Positive” news conference stating cooperation between law enforcement and an undercover registrant. During the sting, several scammers were arrested for attempting to scam registrants out of money.

    Be my luck they would let me get scammed and say they were eating lunch and their radios were turned off but “We will get em next time”. But scamming the scammers would be a win, don’t ya think?

    • November 22, 2022

      I like the way you think.
      You might be onto something but for one fact: scam stings wouldn’t be sensational enough for TV and newspapers.

  • November 22, 2022

    First to Cherokee this is real life that’s the way they do it on TV ,lol ( no disrespect to the officers who do they’re jobs with integrity and respect ) but the ones with the say so don’t want to rock the boat and lose finding or face being called out for trying to help us kind of people’s second as far as posting something in a place most of us would see it , that would mean being pro- active in doing something to help protect us and our rights in some way that would mean seeing us as people and not animals nope don’t see the tzars of fla. allowing that to happen

  • November 22, 2022

    Welcome to 1984
    Where the cops tell you what you think and what your intentions are
    Orson wells would be proud


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