Pennsylvania attorney questions effectiveness of registry
Aaron Marcus, an attorney “who has done extensive work in the field of sex offense registries and laws” says that “he is critical of them.” (LNP LancasterOnline, “Megan’s Law site lets people search for offenders, but some question effectiveness,” by Dan Nephin, November 10, 2024)
Here are just some of the reasons attorney Marcus opposes having registries:
- They were passed out of fear and without any evidence to show they work.
- The overwhelming majority of people on the registry are no more likely to commit a sex crime than any other person who has a criminal record.
- We do not have registries for murderers; so, why do we have one for people with a past sex offense?
- Registries are anti-reentry programs.
Also, many of us were put on the registry retro-actively, after we already made a plea, which could have changed our sentencing if we had that to bargain with.
Also we were given a path off the registry so if you have not committed another crime, it should be automatic, instead of hiring a lawyer and possibly being denied, for no reason other than the judge says so.
Every crime, including murder states people can be rehabilitated, except of course, those with a sex crime in their past. Who gets to decide that?
Appreciate that attorneys concern for us, but the law makers are who should be ending this nonsense.
I agree I would not have taken a plea way back in the Mid 90’s if I had know i would have had to deal with all this.
and the worst part is that these days, some crimes that would put you on the registry, would be able to be at least lowered to a misdemeanor such as “contributing to the delinquency”.
This effectiveness should be question by many lawyers as the whole principle of the registry is not right. its like putting evil for good and good for evil and putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.Those in authority want to justify their actions that compound others caught up in this trap by using their wrongful actions.
Sure ever lawyer has their own opinions about this registry and lawyers hate to lose but its truth and fairness that play an important part in this registry ruse. Plea deals are just a compromise and I’m sure those in authority don’t tell you the whole truth. So can authorities really justify their actions when they use a negative to seek a positive result for their actions.