Our Apologies and Our Corrections in the Paris, Wisconsin Case

Attorneys with the Paris case (6500-foot residence restriction) have contacted us to correct misstatements that were made in our most recent post.  They let us know there is much to be optimistic about in the court’s decision as they are putting some brakes on municipal ordinances that have spiraled out of control in Wisconsin – something they have never done before.

We should not be reading this decision as countenancing 6500-foot zones more generally.  Attorney Adele Nicholas will be continuing to fight these restrictions.  Even though it is often an uphill battle, Ms. Nicholas does not see this decision as cause for despair but is optimistic the residence restriction of 6500 feet in Paris will be lifted.  Other affordable rental properties will also be back in permissible zones.  Progress is being made and will make a big difference for registrants in Paris.

All of this is due to Ms. Nicholas’ work.

We appreciate the following corrections to our post that were sent to us:

“In this post you write: ‘The petitioner here did not appear to have invested in expert witnesses. He did not appear to use any of the studies on the efficacy (or inefficacy) of residence restrictions. He did not even appear to argue that such restrictions had no legitimate non-punitive purpose. Instead, he conceded (incorrectly, we believe) that such restrictions may have a rational relationship to public safety. But he argued that the distance used here by the Town, 6,500, was excessive in relation to that purpose. Again, he did not attempt to prove this, and apparently felt the respondent— the Town— should have been required to justify the distance. The court felt otherwise.’” 

“NOTE: All of the facts stated in every sentence in the above-referenced paragraph are FLATLY untrue, and I’m very disappointed any blog, particularly this one, would factually assert things about which it has no clue. Maybe the writer should have read the pleadings that led to the summary judgment in the District Court. Or maybe the writer should have realized the Court of Appeals actually DID remand the case so that the Town (not the plaintiff) could carry its burden by attempting to ‘justify the distance’ concerning that part of the ordinance that prohibited registrants from living less than 6,500 feet from each other. Do you even know who the plaintiff’s attorneys are that you have disparaged? HINT: they are both highly-skilled and experienced attorneys who were both featured speakers at the last NARSOL conference in Houston. Shame on the writer.”

We very much take to heart the above comments that were sent to us and humbly apologize to Adele Nicholas and all attorneys involved in her work.  There are steps being taken within Florida Action Committee to make sure this never happens again.   The writer greatly feels the shame that has been suggested.

Adele Nicholas is our hero.  If we had 100 more attorneys just like her fighting for our cause, there quite conceivably would not even be a registry now.

11 thoughts on “Our Apologies and Our Corrections in the Paris, Wisconsin Case

  • August 21, 2023

    It may be good for Wisconsin, but Wisconsin is a far cry from Florida. Still no good news for Florida. All the good news happens everywhere else.

    • August 21, 2023

      Be extremely careful with your thoughts and words. You unknowingly speak into existence what you do not want. It takes awareness and commitment to leave the emotions of the past behind and tptb KNOW the secret science of life and manifestation. Their constant barrage of bad “news”/propaganda is intended to keep you down in fear and depression. Literally everything they do, no matter how they paint the pic, has bad intentions behind it.

      Speak good.
      Look at good.
      Listen to good.
      Enjoy good scents.
      Feel good.
      Be good.

      That’s the secret.

  • August 21, 2023

    The fact that the editors have posted this correction reinforces my belief that, as always in the past, we can continue to expect truthful and reliable information from this blog in the future. As Mary Sue has stated in her response, we all make mistakes sometimes; and in my view, this often happens when one writes while under the influence of frustration that invariably accompanies this war against harmful irrationality in government. Its not helpful to infer that the “sky is falling” when a published judicial decision discloses (at worst) mixed results, as in this case. Now, setting all admonishments aside (which I convey solely for the purpose of making this page even better), I happily look forward to reading the FAC blog indefinitely into the future. P.S. Mark Weinberg is the other attorney who valiantly and heroically litigated this case with Adele.

  • August 21, 2023

    We all make mistakes. It’s how we deal with them that matters. Thank you for swiftly correcting the error. Fingers crossed for the litigants now that this case is back in the trial court!

  • August 21, 2023

    Making mistakes just means your human. And shame is a negative vibration so do not go there. We can’t have any more negative vibes in this fight.

    Wake up every morning making the intention you will be your best self and ask your [higher, super conscious) self how you can be your best self and to help you reach that goal. It’s always listening and if you pay attention, you’ll hear the still small voice and start seeing the results.

    I can not suggest strongly enough to watch every Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Bruce Lipton vid you can find. The Biology of Belief book by Bruce is phenomenal. He also has a 2-hr lecture you can watch where he explains what is in the book…here’s the link:


    This is a compilation of Dr Joe interviews that I immersed my self in yesterday:


    This is life and world changing knowledge. Just put it to practice and watch the miracles start rolling in.👌🏼

    I’m glad the attorney let you know what happened. It is hopeful and a better message. I’d like to ask her a question about my son’s case. Our attorney told us our son would only be on the registry during probation. Imagine our shock when we found out at sentencing that the plea deal he pushed us to accept was the lifetime punishment.

    We’ve since heard all sorts of stories about other cases where outcomes are varied and the people who paid enough money were not put on the registry. The system is horribly broken because of the sickness of greed. We have to fix it or even better, replace it with something so much better. Dr David Martin is just one courageous soul leading the way.🥰

  • August 21, 2023

    Thank you for the correction. We all make mistakes (I have made more than I can count in my 13 years of advocacy work). Your sincere apology is appreciated and honorable. Thank you for the work that you do.

  • August 21, 2023

    This is great news. When I first saw this case I thought it was a loss the article I came across framed it that way anyway. Thanks Adele Nicholas for all that you do.


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