OPPAGA – Sex Offender Registration and Monitoring Triennial Review – 2021 is out!

The Florida Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) studied the effectiveness of Florida’s sex offender registration process and public notification provisions and prepared their triennial report for 2021. Below is a link to the complete report, which we encourage you to read. We will update this post shortly with bullets from their findings.

OPPAGA Report 21

28 thoughts on “OPPAGA – Sex Offender Registration and Monitoring Triennial Review – 2021 is out!

  • July 7, 2023

    I also didn’t see anything in there about adjudication with held folks. They are not convicted of a crime and yet they have to register for life!

    • July 8, 2023

      Yes, I am one of those and I feel bait and switch and my contract was not honored. In addition this change from 20 to 25 years is certainly unfair to those who took plea bargains based on the law as it was when we took it.

      How can the agreed upon conditions be changed by one party but not the other? Can someone please explain this? I have never heard a reasonable explanation.

  • July 7, 2023

    The effectiveness could have easily been done by getting numbers on the statistics of how many of these crimes were committed by someone already on the registry- we know the number is very low. If the registry is not preventing crime then it is not effective

  • January 10, 2022

    Problem is everyone here is defining “effective” to be a reasonable and logical definition of “effective.” Sex offender laws have nothing to do with reason or logic but fear. They use fear and public ignorance to continue to gain power and punish “the worst” type of criminals. The registry was never about “protecting” the public it was a way to get around ex post de-facto so they could punish even misdemeanor offenders for the rest of their natural life and in Florida their corpse for an additional year.

    I get sad when I see such outrage like we didn’t know that this never was about logic and protecting the public but about punishment. We should all know better by now.


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