OPINION Proposed sex offender registry legislation doesn’t make communities safer

House Bill 306 is before the Delaware State Legislature. For the 4,500-plus Delawareans who appear on the state Sex Offender Registry the proposed legislation changes the “Restrictions” designation on the front of their driver’s licenses from the current “Y” to “SO.” The bill retains the words “Sex Offender” that already appear on the back of licenses.

HB306 proposes nothing to make the public safer. Delaware drivers licenses use federally compliant standards, and law enforcement technology provides immediate knowledge of a person’s registry status without relying on any specific license designation. HB306 is purely punitive.

We show drivers licenses at many places, pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and banks. Employees of such places have no need to know if someone appears on the registry. HB306 will discourage individuals from accessing important services like medical care, prescriptions, and banking. HB306 simply encourages public shaming for individuals and discourage them from successful reintegration into society, a key component of preventing further offenses.


18 thoughts on “OPINION Proposed sex offender registry legislation doesn’t make communities safer

    • May 30, 2022

      Funny that part of the article states

      “The decision suggests that states cannot require sex-offender registration based on convictions under outdated and now unconstitutional ‘crimes against nature’ laws,” University of Montana law professor Anthony Johnstone told the Times.”

      What about those of us who were “ADDED” retroactively, when there was NO registry when our offenses took place, or when arrested and or when sentenced such as myself. It wasn’t until a week before I was set to be released that the registry took effect.

  • May 29, 2022

    One of the dangers of marginalizing a segment of society is the continual introduction of bills and passing of laws which serve no purpose other than elevating a politician’s position and power. It does not matter if it further marginalizes them, they are insignificant. Lauren Book’s rise in the Florida legislature is a prime example.

    Delaware house bill 306 has been introduced for no other reason than political grandstanding (look what I have done to protect you) and like residency restrictions and other SORNA adders, will do absolutely nothing to increase safety or reduce recidivism.

    How the farce of SORNA continues to be seen as “civil law” instead of “criminal law” when it is nothing but layers of punishment, thereby exposing it to the EX POST FACTO clause in the US Constitution, is beyond understanding.

  • May 28, 2022

    Excellent article from a voice of reason.

    It is my opinion that the momentum in favor of curtailment of registry laws will continue to grow ONLY if the laws become more and more byzantine. – This pustule of governor sponsored hatred; this government sponsored blacklist will only continue to be challenged if it is seen, publicly, to be highly unreasonable.
    Like a pus-filled boil, it must come to a head before being lanced.
    Half measures are anathema to our anti-registry cause!!!


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