Only 31 days in jail for LEO arrested for sex crime (other than the registration part)
A former ICE agent has pled guilty to flashing several students at a Florida High School.
Ruben Rosado-Milan pled guilty to seven charges and will spend 31 days in a Lee County jail after he flashed several students at Riverdale High School in Fort Myers.
According to authorities, Rosado-Milan, who worked as a federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, was accused of exposing himself to nine people over the span of three months.
He Only gets 31 Days in COUNTY Jail NOT STATE PRISON!
So He Does Not Have to Go To One of The Marvelous ‘Reception Centers’ and BE Stripped Naked Flapping Up Your Balls and Having them Exam Your Annus…..Why DiD he Not Get That Free Examination By The Ruthless Guards? And Then Later get Gang Raped By Fellow Big Inmate Beasts?!?!?
Probation will go easy on him. Lighter monitoring at the very least. You all must know this anyway. Wake up.
First I’ve heard FL SO probation characterized as ‘easy.’
I think the first thought might be that he got off easy. Well 15 years of SO probation which I wouldn’t call easy. I did 4 years in doc, it was easier overall than my 3 years probation. Also the stigma of the officer doing checks with your neighbors outside, were not fun either. So I think he probably did like most people took the plea and we’ll suffer through it like everyone else.
He is in the majority of people who are charged with a sex based offense and not on the registry. So, he isn’t alone in that.
Hopefully he can get help for any issues he may currently have or come up later. Hopefully he can work through this and be better on the other side. I hope victims have no lasting issues.
Really at the end of the day he did it and he will be playing for it for a very long time, unless he decides not too.
What can we do to help him minimize his risk of re-offense?
To Make Him Realize That He Does Not Have ‘Entitled Authoritarianism’
That He a Real Person With Flaws and Everyone Has a ‘Flaw’
Repent….Say You are Sorry and Do Better the Rest Of This Person’s Life and Never Look Back But Look Forward!
But 15 Years on SO Probation, Is Pretty Much, A Set-Up For Failure!
-All SO Probations, Normally Have a ‘NO EARLY TERMINATION CLAUSE’ in them…meaning you cant go back to Court and Ask For a Reduction in the Probation Term, etc! gotta do the whole term!
I was released from probation 11 years early, so it is possible. One must live a ‘squeaky clean’ life and be a contributor positively to the community. That was not difficult for me as, except for a regrettable period in my life, it was my normal lifestyle.
15 years of SO probation sounds like being in a room with the deadliest snakes. One wrong move and back to prison. Probation and parole are set up for people to fail, just the registry. At least with snakes there is anti venom and you have a fighting chance, while the registry has advocates against it we need to step up our game and strategy.
Probation will be easy on him. Not the same. No way.
Put him on the registry would be lawmakers response Jacob.
I think for most people the actual punishment does a great job of minimizing a risk of re-offense. Imprisonment, losing gainful employment, possibly losing family, losing friends, HUGE costs (e.g. my simple case was over $100k), all that. That works 100% for a certain % of people. What %, I wonder? I think with sex crimes, the % is large (90%?).
But after all that, from my personal experience I would say that the best things to reduce a risk of re-offense would be, in order of importance:
Hit Lists should not exist and thus he would not be listed.
Have a good probation/parole officer whose main goal is not to imprison a person but instead to help the person live a great, law-abiding life.
Forced “therapy” should not exist. Instead, free therapy should be offered to anyone who thinks they need it. THAT would exist INSTEAD of the Hit Lists if Amerika ACTUALLY cared about reducing sex crimes. But they don’t actually care. They’d rather get themselves off on hate and harassment.
From my personal experience, I think that #1 on the list will reduce the risk of committing crimes in general by magnitudes.