Once Fallen Survey

Derek Logue of Once Fallen has asked us to help promote his survey

According to Derek, “this survey was designed to help registry reformists and abolitionists understand the current state of the efforts to reform or abolish the sex offense registry. This survey is open to anyone who is currently involved in efforts to reform or abolish the sex offense registry and related laws.
This is a long survey containing 98 total multiple choice questions with one additional segment for further comments; it should take between 25-35 minutes on average to complete.”
You can find the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YZHDV9R


10 thoughts on “Once Fallen Survey

  • December 26, 2022

    What we also need is a comprehensive list of places that we might be able to go we’re life could be slightly easier. The problem is that some of those areas in becoming more expensive of the last four or five years since I’ve been trying to figure this out. The people who arguably need to stay in Florida to “ fight, the good fight” should only be the ones that for whatever reason they have no other place to go. Florida is untenable, even if it isn’t the worst state in the union for some of us

    • December 27, 2022

      It is far easier to say which states are the worst than to say which states are the “best.”

  • December 26, 2022

    It is an wide range of questions but I think most are very good. I hope he gets a lot of responses so we can create some useful data points.

  • December 26, 2022

    Did my part.

  • December 27, 2022

    And if we did have a list of the “best” states, and registrants started moving to those states, and word got out that their state was on such a list, how long would it take the legislators of those states to tighten their laws and restrictions so that they would not be known as a “good” state for “sex offenders”?

    • December 27, 2022

      About 8 and a half seconds.

    • December 27, 2022

      And the best state for one person will not be the best state for another, due to vast diffs in how different state laws treat different offenders in different situations with different backgrounds.

      For Florida registrants, relocating to another state may not bring much relief.

      It’s safe to say that there are no good states for COMMITTING a sex offense, and that’s good, we like it that way. (That’s an observation aimed not at JoeM but the wider public, who are not informed on the difference).

  • December 29, 2022

    it’s a bit disingenuous…yet i support his efforts to educate people. his true task is education around and about those who truly are sexually attracted, perhaps exclusively, to minors and how this population needs to have safe and accessible outlets for their (his) sexuality. a high enough positive percentage may persuade him to openly advocate for those similarly situated. we live in a “guilt by association” culture, but Derek apparently has the resources to continue.

    • December 31, 2022

      “Derek apparently has the resources to continue.”

      I wish that was the case but it is not. Unlike the larger groups, which raises tens of thousands a year, OnceFallen.com raises just a few hundred bucks a year. I have performed a lot of miracles on a shoestring budget.

      Just because I ask for donations does not mean I get them.

      I am not a 501c3 with a board of directors. I am an independent activist. I don’t need the resources the big groups need to operate. I don’t need thousands to do what I do so I don’t ask for thousands of dollars. Perhaps if I ran a 501c3 then I would think differently.

      But I will say that most of the bigger groups show no interest in helping Registered Persons seeking housing and employment.

      And I think you have also misinterpreted what it is I do. My “true task” is the abolition of the registry and other oppressive post-conviction laws. Nothing more, nothing less. I work towards whatever I feel accomplishes that goal. I can’t speak for MAPs or those who are a part of another small category of misunderstood people because I am not one of them and don’t feel I should speak for others.


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