Cyberbullying, targeted harassment, threats, and physical violence is often aimed at Persons Forced to Register (PFRs, i.e., those listed on the public “sex offense registry”), their loved ones, and others engaged in efforts to reform or abolish the public sex offense registry is a common occurrence. Some social media websites exclude PFRs from their websites and/or allow hate speech and violent threats against PFRs. In 2020, a Facebook vigilante group played a role in the murder of Matteio Condoluci in Omaha.
In a March 2022 survey of 403 PFRs, loved ones of PFRs, and other anti-registry activists, 62.8% reported some form of harassment on social media. The social media platform most often reported as abusive to PFRs and anti-registry activists is Facebook, which currently excludes “those who are considered non-protected groups described as having carried out violent crimes or sexual offenses” from protections against cyber-harassment and hate speech.
I always post as anonymous so my neighbors won’t know it’s a registered citizen has important statistical and educational information about the unconstitutional list.
That’s easy! Avoid social media.
I have a couple of voicemails from one of these losers claiming to be a law enforcement officer with the “sex offender” division. 🙂
This is not my first time at the rodeo and I am perfectly aware of real contact vs an attempted scam/harassment.
Here is my advice for all to avoid these phone scams. Get an iPhone and set it to send ALL unknown numbers NOT listed on your contact list directly to voicemail.
You will never have to deal with these annoying scams and any legitimate callers will leave voicemail which you can decide to return to simply delete.
Don’t let a-holes use technology to abuse you further.
The amount of irrational hatred I see on social media against sex offenders is way out of hand. I see posts and memes advocating for violence and murder of sex offenders permitted by these sites to circulate without censorship. I see absolutely no protection given to sex offenders by these sites completely counter to the sites’ stated policies. This is wrong and it needs to be stopped somehow.
I’ve been online for over 20 years with the same profiles and never been harassed. Ever. Because I have never used my real name. Ever. No one I know has an association with any of my profiles either. Keep a low profile in life and with you online presence and you should never have any issues.
It’s illegal for me not to use my real name. I register “Anonymous” with the state because I should by constitutional right, be allowed to comment to on-line news stories anonymously. But the state refuses to add “anonymous” to my list of registered “internet identifiers”. Friggin Cowards.
That’s because you are legion, you never forgive or forget, and folks expect you, right, Anonymous?
Excuse me Derek but whatt is legion? Is it some kind of truth today. Some type of magical aspect of Once fallen or just another way of saying hello to Once fallen. Derek
We are talking about the sex registry or can a legion be some “unique identifier” for all Floridian’s. My real name is James and yes we all offend in thought and deed. Cyber bulling is a bit much for any type of amusing.
I even hear some went to jail or prison for downloading or unloading on another.I mean no disrespect but think before you text. You might take pride for doing something big but who fights social Cyber bulling. Cyber is just a slang word for bulling in this new age computer drama.