Officials address East Stone Gap residents about reported trailer park residence for sex offenders
“There is no such thing as a sex offender sanctuary,” Slemp said in response to some residents’ concerns that the trailer park would be a such a sanctuary.
Slemp said convicted sex offenders in Virginia must register with police in whatever community or municipality they reside and comply with probation, parole and sentencing requirements issued by judges in their specific cases.
“We learned that communities like these are popping up all over the country,” Slemp told the audience. “Unfortunately, Virginia law does not permit us to do anything about it … and the General Assembly has not given us the tools to deal with it.”
Slemp said he has met with law enforcement agencies and county officials about any legal options, including restrictive zoning or deed provisions. He advised residents to contact their state legislators to address the issue.
These ppl can’t find a solution b/c they don’t grasp what the problem is.
Disgusting article about a lot of disgusting “people”. The key problem is that most “people” who live in America aren’t very capable of simply minding their own damn business. So many think they should be dictating others and controlling how they live. America has never been a free country and it gets worse by the day.
The Oppression Lists cause a lot of people problems in a lot of ways. If a person supports the Lists then I don’t care what happens to them.
Even when I was a cop, if someone had been in prison and moved in next to me, I would not have bothered them unless they caused me problems. It would have been likely the person themselves would have had a problem with me.
I tried so hard to always treat everyone I arrested like I would treat my own family. But some just wouldn’t let you do that and needed a few extra incentives to behave. We did not have tasers or bodycams back then. We had pepper spray , PR-24 batons, 6 shot 38 pistols, handcuffs, sometimes a pocket knife and that was about it.
You first got pepper sprayed, if that didn’t work, you got a wack with the baton. If it got too violent and you were alone, you got shot. Thank God I never fired my weapon once other than at the range. I did spray my share of people. Didn’t like the baton because the results were a bloody mess.
Hey FAC, an awesome follow up to this story would be a response from the Florida real estate developer, Jason Shirley. Does what is going on in Florida regarding PFRs influence his plan?
I would say some of those concerned citizens are pretty smart. I bet at least 1/2 of them graduated 3 times from the 4th grade.
The Not in my neighborhood movement takes away the constitutional right to live and prosper. At least they way I read out rights. Those are basic rights for even people who have not had their rights restored.
Tolerance, forgiveness and restoration should be removed from the American Standard Dictionary. They have some how over the years lost their meanings.
Although maybe not 100% related to our burden, I am drawn to part of the poem on the statue of liberty.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
“The Not in my neighborhood movement takes away the constitutional right to live and prosper”
The “not in my neighborhood” movement is also hypothetical. If these people (LE included) are so worried about “victims” and children, they are literally saying “Go rape, assault, molest kids in some other neighborhood, just don’t do it here”. So when people talk about “if it saves just one child”, I laugh.
LOL, well said. Valid point and you made me laugh at something that should not be laughable.
That is exactly right. NIMBYs are the worst kind of people.
In the state where I live, when the criminal legislators initially passed the “residency restrictions” and related harassment “laws”, they bragged and lied about how they wanted “sex offenders” to be running from the state and that they will go live somewhere else (with 20/20 hindsight and facts known, that was obviously a lie). I told the lying criminals to their faces that they are scumbags because what they said was, “We think ‘sex offenders’ are problems and dangerous and instead of them living near us, we want them to live near you.” It’s immoral and asinine. But that is what Registry Supporters/Terrorists are and support.
Will Allen
Want to have some fun? Lets find all the people on the registry who have some money. (There are some who actually are not broke). We will find out where all the judges are. Pick one at a time that we don’t like (Registry related not every judge). Once we find one who is a registry jerk, we slowly buy up say 6 houses next to, across from and behind them. Then move registered folks into those houses.
We can pick people on the registry who have less restrictions and are not on probation. Then pack like 8 people per house LOL See how the judge likes moving. And if done right, NO crime has been committed and NO harassment will be done. Just a big moving in party as ALL the registered folks (Like 50) move next to judge in one day.
OK now that I wrote that, some judge will ask FAC for a court order demanding my information. So even though this was sillyness, if you don’t see me on here again you know the registry mafia got me and I am back to eating sand potatoes in the hokey.
The next bill to come out will be take that plaque down, I’m sure.
Seems it was already taken down since we have to “Apply” to get our rights back and are mostly denied. Where anywhere in the constitution did it say your rights are subject to expiring?
Well law makers answer to that is adding and adding to, changing and dare I says removing wording from bills, laws and maybe even the constitution every time they walk over it with their dirty hate and disregard for what is right.
Those who point their bony fingers at us should have their skeletons come out of the closet. How many of them have engaged in once normal behavior as teens or adults regarding sex like Playing Spin the Bottle,Closet, Padidale( can’t remember how to spell it), skinny dipped, made out or lost the v card at senior prom with an underclassman or someone in college. I’d rather live by a registrant any day than a unstable judgmental person who can’t mind their own business.
A simple man (Me) once said:
“Show me a perfect person and I will show you a perfect liar”
I say, when snow falls it comes down white; but doesn’t stay that way: it gets slushy, yellow, brown or green. When you are born you are innocent; yet aren’t perfect and usually aren’t as innocent as you claim.
In my opinion, there needs to be many more of these type of meetings.
The truth and decency will always win in the end. So these meetings are somewhat like lancing a hatred-filled boil.
Once a lot of people begin to talk and discuss, the voices of reason start to get heard.
Solomon said “One man’s face sharpens the face of another.”
He also said “There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors.”
Yes, there needs to be much more of these types of lynchmob-mentality meetings. They allow people to really reflect when things are said out loud.
Those 2 registrants did much to help our cause as the gracious landlord has done as well.
You always see stories like this in festering dumps like this trailer park or soccer mom suburbs. In areas where people have a high level of education, awareness, and more active, critical minds – no problem! Intelligent, critical thinking people do not care about the sex offender registry. It is a tool to stoke fear and garner votes from the knuckle dragging mouth-breathers. A consequence of living in a society where everyone’s vote is equal, no matter much it really should be worth.
The point is, I, or anyone for that matter, has done their time , that means either the courts or the law has decided by the sentence you got, you were worthy of a second chance. So what Damned business is it what I did 30 years ago? 30 years before my arrest and now 30 years after my arrest there was just than one arrest. (Well technically I got re-arrested when the prosecutor didn’t like the fact I bonded out) They always seem to hold onto some charges to either bargain with or use as ammo.
I guess if we could get our defense attorneys to be as back stabbing, lying scoundrels as the prosecutors, we would win once in a while. But how come whenever we are a victim of a crime, you cannot even get a cop to come out, you have to “File a report online”. Which of course is never followed up on.
Yep, I believe this completely. The more intelligent, successful, and educated that a person is, the less likely it is that they support the Oppression Lists. I would LOVE to see a study of exactly who the Registry Supporters/Terrorists are. I would be willing to bet any amount of money that they are sub-par in every way. They are the dregs of society. But a vote is a vote, and politicians love catering to them.
Now that just makes me want to watch the movie again “stir crazy”
Are you sure Will Allen and the others weren’t in the movie or where does here come the judge come in many of these ordeals.
Seems these issues are unethical and a bit arrogant.