Offense pre-SORNA? Pennsylvania is a good option for you.
The Liberty Bell, also known as the Pennsylvania State House bell, is one of history’s most famous symbols of freedom and justice. This month, freedom and justice were restored for Pre-SORNA registrants nationwide, when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that registration requirements cannot be applied retroactively not only to people whose offense occurred in Pennsylvania (as had previously been determined in Commonwealth v. Muniz), but cannot be applied retroactively against people whose offense occurred anywhere and moved to Pennsylvania.
A footnote to the case spells it out perfectly, “What is at the heart of this case is the question of whether Muniz applies equally to Santana. As outlined above, on all material aspects, the cases are the same. Both Santana and Muniz committed their offenses before SORNA was enacted. Both had SORNA applied retroactively years after the commission of those offenses. Both were subjected to the same exact requirements under SORNA. The only difference between the two is that Santana committed his triggering offense in New York, while Muniz committed his here... There is no constitutionally justifiable basis to hold that a scheme is unconstitutional for Pennsylvanians, but that exact scheme, applied the exact same way, is constitutional as to New Yorkers.”
You can read the full opinion below:
Things like this worry me. It makes me wonder if the state/area in which it happened will give lawmakers reason to make things harsher for ANYONE, regardless of time of offense;
So donât get happy feet about Pennsylvania just yet, I guess.
Let me guess the commissioner wasnât on the registry, so how did that work out for Philadelphia? We always get punished for something someone else did and frankly ticks me off. Lawmakers need to get their own house in order as accountability goes and then we can talk; otherwise thereâs the curb.
See also,
Nirvana lawsuit over ‘Nevermind’ Child Porn album cover dismissed by judge because the plaintiff, who claimed he was the vicitim of sexual exploitation of a child by being placed nude on the album cover, failed to amend his original complaint to meet legal requirements.
Just saying
Fox Newsâ article has the album cover, so are they distributing Child porn? Every time an image is viewed it re-victimization or at least that Is what they report.
Yes, your right. And if the following information doesn’t convince people that there are laws for the elite and laws for the rest of us, then there’s no convincing them:
Cuomo won’t be prosecuted for sexual misconduct allegations, Albany DA announces
And every record store that ever had copies of that LP and CD. Hell, if itâs on Amazon, then they too are contributing.
Make it make sense!!!!
Remember the âHouses of the Holyâ album cover of Led Zeppelin? Oh wait⊠those were Robert Plantâs kids so I guess that doesnât count.
Seriously though, weâve all seen the naked human body. This shit is beyond ridiculous now. If the guyâs family didnât want his baby image on the album cover, they had since 1991 to make a complaint about it. Why now?
Waiting to see what lawmaker proposes a bill banning naked newborns. If it saves one child from being exposed to lustful eyes itâs worth it.
Yeh itâs coming. Also you must take a shower with cloths on and if a peeping Tom sees you naked they will get a money settlement and you be automatically put on the registry And punished for the rest of your life like what happened to me.
Oh man I assaulted my shower wall when my butt touched it. I better ask for forgiveness.
I should sue my parents for taking pictures of me naked in the tub, on the toilet, and with my pants off all when I was a kid. Worst was when my mom brought out the photo album before I went out on a date.
RM. I read thru all these views, viewpoints and comments again and I didn’t know their were two sets of rules in much of this sex registry issue. Sure I will admit that the cradle of democracy in America comes from Penn and the founding fathers but when other states start varying their constitution than somethings not right. Sure I have a brother in Tampa area. Had an uncle in Lauderdale and yes I got interested in Government both state and local.I”d been in jail so I sort of knew the ropes.
Sure law is good as long as it doesn’t get out of place in its trapping of another by this uncanny ordeal is a bit much for anyone. I know Florida is tough like some other states but justice in much of this registry is bearing off key in many areas and angles or law. Takes the meaning of protecting and serving right out the window.
Meanwhile in New Orleans,
5 teenage girls recovered and 30 sex offenders arrested in New Orleans Marshals operation
If you want to see a lot of dumb people, just read the comments at the article. Too many Amerikans are brainless and just believe the rampant lies and conflation of law enforcement. This “operation” likely did very, very little that was useful and probably harmed society more than it helped. The “people” who brainlessly cheer it on, based on nothing more than the lies and PR of self-serving law enforcement, can’t be fixed. Can’t fix stupid.
The big government PR said, “Often countless hours of follow up investigative work are required during and after a compliance check.” Yeah, LOL, “countless”. Except they will count them and all get overpaid for them. That is the point for the law enforcement criminals. They obviously have way too much money and other resources. Don’t vote for big government!
Will A…
âOften countless hours of follow up investigative work are required during and after a compliance check.â
Yes, What Does That Specifically Mean? I mean really, the person who said this is actually a human being? …
……….Just Once Again, Trying to Justify Their Own Existence-That is What The Employed ‘Unemployable’ Do to Our Society!
Happy New Year
Just Sayin
Yes itâs impossible for news media to get it right or to tell the real story. They just leave out very important details every time. The mentioned the sex offenders were arrested for felony offenses but failed to mention those offenses were for failing to keep there records straight with the department. All of the 6 girls that were supposedly saved by the sting were all runaways . Since all the details are not given these few that that had connections with the girl may have just been trying to give them a place to stay. The girls may have not wanted to be helped.
Every time one of these articles is written itâs all about making it dramatic as possible leaving out any facts that would give a true observation of the real situation.
Yeah David. I suspect that the 17 registrants mentioned were arrested for some technical violations and had nothing to do with the girls. There were 13 others arrested who weren’t on the registry. I don’t know if it was the paper or the U.S. Marshals who conflated “sex offenders” with those others who may or may not have done any human trafficking. Law enforcement loves a sensational press release as much as do the media. Budgets must be justified.
It is the same old story when they do the compliance checks. They arrest a bunch of registered persons on minor BS like not registering an old beat up car in the woods next to your house, then go on the news and say “15 violent sex offenders arrested”.
Arrested for what? You failed to leave that part out. And all the public sees is the Words “Sex offender’s arrested” and there is chaos. Most don’t read passed the first few lines of the story and have formed an opinion and the damage is done.
Maybe we need to hire our own PR firm spokesperson.
Ed C
Yeh, I had read a different article about the same thing from google news. But there were some different information. Like it said 6 girls not 5 , maybe one wasnât a teenager. Also noticed the Article said teens not under age teens. The other article used the term felons and felony offenses. Also comparing the 2 there was probably only one that had anything to do with the runaways but both insinuated they all were involved with the girls. Very misleading. Itâs no wonder the public gets all bent out of shape when articles like this come out. They are so misleading.
Just like Trump egged the crowd on on Jan. 6 so the news does the same . They need to be held accountable.
Hey Cherokee you know this lifetime prevention or intervention is a bit much.Tell you what if you want to check all this out or before you make a choice… see I said make a choice which is different from a decision you can come stay with me a day or two until you you get settled in PA or even in VA as a commonwealth state is a bit different from other states.
While laws differ in states they have to have a principal and well in government and even bible principals is lost today in the USA, Even the bill of rights, and more are very weak When I got mixed up in all this yes it was a bit intimidating.
. I listened well to the arresting officer and than he said you made a choice… I said no I didn’t make a choice to come down their…. I made a decision which is different than to the gull of things he said to me I will have to find something else to charge you with. That’s the best I can do for you until Florida and much of the Nation end all this registry.
Nothing against Penn state but, #1 my parents are here, I cannot stand the extreme cold, and not going to give in to the Florida mafia and have them pressure me into moving. Like having a bad wife, you are stuck with her unless you file for divorce, which can cost a man everything. (Been there, done that).
Whoâs the mob boss of the Florida mafia? I believe I know the financial advisor: heâs got money, power, influence, big ego with bad ideas, rambling mouth, and legislators kissing his ring.
You know Cherokee is right and so are many more on here. Sure I don’t care if some have gotten on to me for using a bit of Christiany or true understanding. Sure a grain of salt can go a long way in many respects and government seems to be the judge, jury , but who prosecutes with a plea deal? Sure falling guidelines is good and even in a talk forum. Which I will try to improve this year as you can say many things in a few words… such as Fair and equal justice… This registry has to many bad reviews’.
While we can all be excused in much of this vain or blind justice so to speak,protecting and serving in the wrong way is still the wrong way. Hey when I was in county jail back in the late 60’s early 70’s I listened to others in jail. I was still in HS at the time even dad was doing the Tax returns for the jailer as him and his son had a gas station.
Moving to Tri -state area of of Huntington, WV was a bit different and yes a college town. I didn’t even know my Aunt was a bail bonds women their. In fact I didn’t even know my Aunt but she helped me a bit when I got into trouble. Hey even the bible says we are all born into trouble. Sure I would take the bible’s word or good book over man’s word anytime in much of this registry that is more of a con type of an inflated justice ordeal.
Now Cherokee has a lot of good viewpoints and so do many others but if you take a bit of Christian justice out of blind justice than you have a vain justice and a mixture of unethical values. Lets hope the New Year brings much of this registry down for many.
Yes it is hurting all and many involved not only for jobs but also creating mental damage weather on parole or probation, incarcerated or not.
âIf your offense was pre-2012 then the state can still enforce pre-2012 versions of SORNA.â
How is that possible if those older versions were supplanted in 2012 and no longer law? Wouldnât it take an act of the legislature to revive the old law(s)?
In response to the state’s losses that were piling up in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Pennsylvania Legislature rewrote its sex offender registration law so that there are now two sets of criteria and requirements: one set for offenders whose offenses occurred before December 2012 (which is pretty much the system Pennsylvania had for all offenders before 2012) and one set for offenders whose crimes took place after December 2012. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has found several times that the post-2012 requirements are punitive and therefore cannot be applied retroactively (only offenders whose crimes took place after December 2012 can be subjected to them). However, the state’s Supreme Court ruled (I think last year) that the set of requirements for pre-2012 offenders are not punitive in effect and can therefore be applied retroactively. The pre-2012 requirements are significantly less burdensome than the post-2012 ones.
Missouri also has several different dates of different rule that apply to different people depending on what year they were put on the registry. Because when it was challenged in court it was deemed punishment and so could not be applied retroactively. So now they have a quagmire of different law all with different dates which even law enforcement canât keep straight. So nobody knows exactly where they stand.
If the ones in charge canât figure out which laws one falls under, maybe those laws need to go into the shredder. Maybe bills should be debated instead of rushed to pass them into law with everyone playing Russian Roulette blindfolded.
Yes I agree. But who will be the one to commit political suicide to try and fix it. They have made a monster they donât know what to do with.
So Santana will be subject to pre-2012 requirements?
Fact Check Bot
The whole problem isnât 2012 or 2006 but sometime in the 1990s when the â Cancel Culture â was legitimized as being a good thing. This idea wasnât starting then. It actually started when Cain killed his brother because he felt he deserved to live and his brother didnât . It was further promoted when slavery was promoted as a good thing so that those who are superior could control those they deemed as lower class. Then when the registry was established they could have a new class to dominate and consider as of no account. Not only could they feel that way themselves but could influence others by way of public shaming. So doing making others feel they are not one of the super ones either if they donât go along with the viewpoint of these who consider themselves superior.
So the registry validated the Cancel Culture saying it is a good thing. Why? Because it makes the supporters of it look super to these others. So they deserve the benefits of society but these lesser ones donât. The more people and the longer they can keep them on this list the more they can benefit. Just as a land owner benefits from having more slaves. So welcome to the 21 st Century slavery renamed the sex offender registry.
A lot of this nonsense was started with the John Walsh movement way back in the 80s. He went from making the person who took his son pay to trying to make ALL of us pay, even though he has never met a single one of us.
I could go up to him, introduce myself and have a great conversation with him. Believe me, he would like me. I am a likeable person. After a bit I would tell him I am on the registry and he would probably immediately have his film crew follow me around for the rest of my life until I was in prison again.
Since I am not required to give notifications to the neighbors, everyone adored me, that is until the NextDoor App came out. Now I have just 3 neighbors that will even look at me, even though I have lived in this neighborhood since 1978 (Minus any lock up time I had)
I was born in 1980 and I remember hearing âstranger dangerâ, seeing faces on milk cartons, hearing stories of kids being sacrificed at daycares, and all the other bologna. If JWâs wife would of watched her son he more than likely be alive. If Ron Book and his wife would of been better parents Lauren may not of been molested, raped, and abused. Only one person on Floridaâs registry harmed Lauren, so why are 79,999 other registrants being punished. Tired of the scales of Justice heavily leaned on victims. Bad things happen to good people and good people can do bad things; yet both can strive for success without influence of the peanut gallery.
You said “I was born in 1980”.
Gee, thanks, now I feel old. I have high school yearbooks older than you LOL đ
I could technically be your grandfather.
Look at this way at least you arenât a spring chicken today without responsible parents and an overbearing government. Common sense and critical thinking were used, now itâs get involved in otherâs business.
If you can write me a check welcome to the family Pappa Jack!! Heck the check can even bounce.