Offense pre-SORNA? Pennsylvania is a good option for you.
The Liberty Bell, also known as the Pennsylvania State House bell, is one of history’s most famous symbols of freedom and justice. This month, freedom and justice were restored for Pre-SORNA registrants nationwide, when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that registration requirements cannot be applied retroactively not only to people whose offense occurred in Pennsylvania (as had previously been determined in Commonwealth v. Muniz), but cannot be applied retroactively against people whose offense occurred anywhere and moved to Pennsylvania.
A footnote to the case spells it out perfectly, “What is at the heart of this case is the question of whether Muniz applies equally to Santana. As outlined above, on all material aspects, the cases are the same. Both Santana and Muniz committed their offenses before SORNA was enacted. Both had SORNA applied retroactively years after the commission of those offenses. Both were subjected to the same exact requirements under SORNA. The only difference between the two is that Santana committed his triggering offense in New York, while Muniz committed his here... There is no constitutionally justifiable basis to hold that a scheme is unconstitutional for Pennsylvanians, but that exact scheme, applied the exact same way, is constitutional as to New Yorkers.”
You can read the full opinion below:
Members who have private yachts, jets (below) should consider making a substantial donation to FAC’s Legal Fund.
Agreed, Jacob. Or pay their member dues. One would think that someone with means would pitch in.
I didn’t even have the $2 or whatever it cost to play the Big lotto drawing last night. Man what I could do with those winnings. Must be nice to own a yacht.
The suit over Nirvana’s Nevermind was dismissed, right?
Yet we still cling to the belief that it’s child pornography, even if courts and legislatures do not. Why is that?
As our Legal Chair once pointed out, you can file suit against anyone over anything.
I know when I have gone to Puerto Rico in the past on the way down towards the plane some agents would look at the people and selectively as for ID. I had a employee with me who is Spanish and had the white wife beater Tshirt on so they asked him for passport or DL. It wasnt anybod getting picked and from my info the Islanf is not after offenders. Some peoplw doing Time a few years ago told me they could go home and go back to Prison lol and all have phones,BENEFITS ETC. . My friend who has a private Yacht told me in 30 years he has been stopped 2 times for a Safety check into Miami goes to
cuba and the Dominican Republic all the time. I know things are always changing and i believe they do that on purpose. My last entry into USA didnt even check any of the luggage on arrival we simply walked out. Dont let this stop you from Travelling. I know some Registrants who fly and cruise all the time (Even On Carnival) and have zerro issues. I believe if we all Traveled it might actually help the situation and force some changes. Sadly its not a 1 size fits all but we get info eaxh day on how to be compliant and avoid the snags. I personally dont see the people who are enforcing this wanting to even do it. Your experience may differ on charges and individual officer. Please if not here send Paul Rigney at Rtag your experiences so he can update the Travel Matrix. Understanding the system will make it more predictable for the masses. Dont blindly not travel! Be the exception to the Rule!
Private Yachts…Are A Whole Other Situation…BELIEVE YOU ME…
I Personally Know!
When You Travel the US Territories You Do Not Need a Passport…
When You Travel On International Waters and Do Not Stop Anywhere You Do Not Need a Passport…Only When Entering a Port of Call in a Foreign Jurisdiction is a Passport Necessary……If You get off the Vessel!
-this is backed by Judges Wherein I reside!
Some US territories take u thru passport control, even coming from the states. Maybe that’s what he’s referring to.
Some US territories have been checking passports for years. All of a sudden, we view that as nefarious?
The reason is, a passport is not required to go there. So what happens if someone tries to go there who doesn’t have a passport?
Yep…Leaving any US Territory, Traveling Domestically Commercially, You, First Go Through Customs and Immigration and Then you Go Through Homeland Security-TSA
YEP…It is Weird….But, During The First Phase, A “person forced to register’ is than Handed Over to The CBP and Then ABUSED! Then, You are Told to get in Line for TSA!
-I asked the Customs and Immigration Person Why are they do this..They Just Usher me over to the Locked Windowed Room of the CBP
Again, you do not need a US Passport…Just Your State Issued ID…So the Whole Thing is Nefarious!
I have NEVER been giivin a customs Dec form for flying Domestic. Hell you just show a ticket and DL passport to get to the gate. Never haf any domestic issue. All people must fill put the Dec form when entering USA. For me only Hassle is secondary on way back and the occasional Foreign customs agent saying sorry can we see your passport because your Country notified us and again sorry!