NY: Social media ban ends for some sex offenders in NYS
People on the sex offender registry in New York State can now access the internet and social media platforms without restrictions, except in some cases. The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), Rutgers Law School Constitutional Rights Clinic, and Prisoners’ Legal Services of New York secured a settlement on January 24 ending the ban.
The original Jones et al. v. Stanford complaint was filed against the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) and New York Board of Parole in March 2020. The complainants challenged New York’s Electronic Security and Targeting of Online Predators Act (e-STOP) and DOCCS Directive 9201.
In 2008, e-STOP was put in place by former Governor Andrew Cuomo while he was Attorney General. The act originally targeted social media platforms like MySpace, AIM and Facebook to keep sex offenders off of those sites. According to NYCLU, e-STOP has since expanded its definition of social media to include websites with profiles, log-ins and subscription services.
“… as to Registrants who have not used the internet to facilitate the commission of their underlying sex offense.”
This rather small subset of registrants includes rapists, most hands-on child sexual abusers, actual CP producers if no internet distribution occurred, and CP possession if photos were not obtained via the internet–a very small group these days. Most registrants will still be excluded from internet use.
Not exactly this topic but I just heard an interesting news point on the local news in Kansas City. It said a man that was convicted of a 2008 sex crime has just been awarded $900,000.00 for a crime that was not committed. The girl that was 8 years old at the time has recanted her story. He will now be expunged of the crime and it will be removed from his records.
They didn’t give more details, if anyone can find a complete article on it I would like to know more.
This happens more than you could ever imagine. A young person sees an opportunity to get attention and boom parents and then law enforcement see an opportunity to make their name big and get noticed publicly. So they question the child in such a way that the child is going to say exactly what the investigators want them to say so they can become a hero and save this innocent child from the monster that they have made him to be in the child’s mind.
Now 14 years later the child realizes what happened And agrees to help undo it . After a forth of his life has destroyed. This story sounds similar to mine, I would like to know how he went about getting it done.
At least now Kansas is one of the few states that has made allowances to be reimbursed for being falsely convicted.
I did find a little more on the case. It’s on the Lebanon-express.com news article entitled “ Kansas to pay about $900.000.00 to man wrongfully convicted”
Wichita, Kans. (AP). A man who spent more than 13 years in prison after being wrongfully convicted of sex crimes against an 8 year old Kansas girl could receive nearly $900,000 in compensation from the state. Merardo Garcia Jr. 52 was convicted in 2008 etc.——
In 2020 when the girl recanted her story. Etc.
A short article, I’m sure when he was arrested they had a much longer article.
I am sure that is the ONE time he was happy to be in a news article. Proving his innocence. Would like to see the looks on the faces of all the neighbors he had to take Bullspit from over the years.
I just saw that Justice Breyer plans to retire, so I don’t know what that means for our cause.
My kids do not live with me. I have grand kids that I’ve never seen and can’t interact with thanks to this devious policy of Facebook. Murders and scammers can have free run on the internet but if you are even just accused of anything even remotely associated with what they call a sex crime, you are cut off from any interaction with any bulletins or even your family.
I have kids in California ( soon be transferred back to Virginia) Texas
Kansas And Missouri. I can’t travel because of my wife’s health.
Facebook is only picking on registry people because it makes them look good in public eye and the government gives them the list to make it easy. It’s about money.
Get rid of the list, problem solved.