NY: No sex offender registration for non-sexual offense.

Today, an Appellate Court in NY issued an opinion in People v. Diaz holding that an individual cannot be subject to Sex Offender registration for a non-sexual offense committed in another state.

In 1989, Frederick Diaz was upset with his 13 year old sister because she threw out his stash of drugs. He was so upset that the then 19 year old killed his little sister.

NY authorities thought his crime was worthy of placement on the Sex Offender registry, but the appellate court ordered him off the list because his crime had no sexual component.

Proves once again that murderers can move on with their lives, but sex offenders cannot.

4 thoughts on “NY: No sex offender registration for non-sexual offense.

  • April 15, 2017

    Yes this is interesting – a 2 edged sword so to speak. I absolutely agree he does not belong on the registry (but then no one really does) – I am appalled that the original judge and adjudication even included that. It basically is saying that murder in some cases is sexual? Weird! I agree 100% with the poster that said they were using the registry as punishment! Absolutely!

  • April 14, 2017

    It shows they wanted to use the registry as punishment to this individual.

  • April 14, 2017

    Great news New York.. murder your child sister and NOT be a Sex Offender? But touch inappropriately your little sister and Sex Offender for LIFE! Makes perfect sense NYC?

    This shows and proves the acute confusion of Sex Offender Laws in USA. If the Courts can’t agree on a capital sex crime and sentencing, who can?

  • April 13, 2017

    Good for the court! Bad for all those forced to register who have by less agregiousboffenses than murder.


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