NY Governor seeks to banish sex offenders – 1000 feet from schools

News On Sex Offender Residency Restrictions

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a plan to restrict sex offenders whose victims were under the age of 13 from living or traveling near schools as well as banning them from living in temporary or emergency shelters where families also live.

The State Courts have already overturned municipalities’ sex offender residency restrictions, finding that the decision to impose these restrictions is up to the State. Now the State seeks to impose one that would also include restricting travel within the banishment zone.

Despite evidence that these restrictions are ineffective and do more harm than good, the State of New York is considering them. We strongly urge our affiliates in NY to strongly oppose.

One thought on “NY Governor seeks to banish sex offenders – 1000 feet from schools

  • February 13, 2018

    Thanks for the warning. I haven’t heard of this before.
    I live in NY and would be affected by this ridiculous law.
    I was forced to register undomiciled for years by a local law before a wise judge threw out all local residency restriction laws in NYS. The prior state-wide laws were deemed to be enough…although still egregious.
    I’ve been living fine for a few years now. BUT….the paranoia stirrers in the government (and the private sector, where the government gets its lead) rear their ugly heads again.


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