NY: Candidate seeks to end in-person college for people required to register as sex offenders

Dave Catalfamo, Republican candidate for state Assembly District 113, pledged on Tuesday that he would introduce legislation that would bar registered sex offenders from taking classes on college campuses.

Catalfamo said during a phone interview on Tuesday that he does think sex offenders have a right to an education, though he thinks all sex offenders should not be permitted to wander on campus… the candidate replied that his legislation would not make any exceptions for any registered sex offender.


16 thoughts on “NY: Candidate seeks to end in-person college for people required to register as sex offenders

  • September 21, 2022

    I need to get his mailing address so I can add it to my Phase IV Media Blitz mailing list. Another politician who needs an education.

  • September 21, 2022

    This would be another manifestation of the bill of attainder that the registry scheme is! The registry is state sponsored hatred in the form of a government blacklist! There are more than one million registered citizens now. Soon we will cast off this illegal tyranny!

  • September 21, 2022

    sex offenders should not have the right to wander on campus? this guy knows that there are sex offenders everywhere doesn’t he?(most are not on the registry yet) in fact college campus’s are a very high risk rate when it comes to sex without mutual consent. What about the offenders that are not allowed to use computers does that bar them from getting a college education?
    as offenders i think we all know a college degree doesn’t help you get a job as most employers wont hire us anyway and you could save thousands and thousands of dollars. A trade school is the way to go until they bar us from them also. All in all its just another brick in the wall

    • September 21, 2022

      The question is whether or not a trade school would be considered an institution of higher learning. Based on casual observation, law enforcement officials could argue that it is indeed.

  • September 21, 2022

    He knows he doesn’t have a prayer of getting this introduced or passed. He just wants some free press because it is election time.

    You will notice his stance is not accompanied by any DATA, such as the number of RSO’s attending college campuses in the State of New York and the number of offenses that have been carried out by those RSO’s, say over the last 10 years.

    Why? Because he knows the answer doesn’t support his position and he just wants the free press and votes of the emotional, uninformed, electorate.

    Changes in laws that affect people’s freedoms should be required to have supporting data before passage and studies done 3-5 years later proving the law has accomplished what it set out to do. If that had existed for SORNA, it would already be in history’s dustbin but because it doesn’t, numerous lawsuits have to be filed for decades and millions spent until someone gets lucky and it all come crashing down. In the meantime, you have people living under overpasses because they can’t be at their homes at night since it is located next to a school, which is closed when they would be there.

    The stupidity of it all is just mind blowing.

  • September 21, 2022

    Are there any other group of people who consistently get more and more liberty and freedom removed from them as often as a registered citizen? If so I haven’t heard of it.
    This shit is getting old. Denying someone an education? That’s agreat way to ensure they fail.
    But let’s be honest. That’s the plan anyway. We all know if a politician is talking, they are lying.

  • September 21, 2022

    Here we go again trying to drum up votes by using registered persons as the scapegoat.
    When are the courts finally going to open their eyes and see that the registries are punishment?
    I really hope when this candidate is out canvassing for votes that a piano or anvil falls out of the sky and lands on his head.

  • September 21, 2022

    Everyone has a right to an education, but it’s the same old song. I don’t know how New York handles probation. If the state bars people from internet access, the proposal can only compound the difficulty of reintegration. The proposal also assumes that all offenses are the same.

  • September 21, 2022

    When was the last time you saw a bunch of minors hanging out on a college campus? Almost all college students are 18.
    And another thing, why is this Karen afraid of the registrant in her class? His crime involved boys, not girls, so she’s safe. She’s not worried about her safety, she’s just being a hateful person.
    It makes no sense to ban registrants from college campus because of “all the minors wandering around” yet all you have to do is walk into a grocery store, clothing store, bookstore, or any other kind of store and you will encounter lots of minors.
    Legislation like this needs to be stopped or else soon we’ll be banned from grocery stores and clothing stores too. Otherwise lets just ban arsonists from going to gas stations, shoplifters from going to stores, drunk drivers from going into bars, and so on.

  • September 21, 2022

    I’m not sure how well that will fly, and if it passes, how long before the lawsuits start rolling in. It should be up to the school, and not the State to determine if they want a registered citizen on campus. I don’t even know if it’s constitutional for a State to restrict certain citizens from schools, as this is a reminder of the black segregation era.

  • September 21, 2022

    Do we know of even one case where a registrant re-offended on a higher ed campus in which he was enrolled?

    Even ONE?

    Sexual assault will continue to be a problem on campus, so long as we continue to look to the registry for prevention.

  • September 21, 2022

    In my opinion, the fact that the RSO that is the reason this bill could be introduced refers to himself as the “High Priest of the International Church of Homosexual Pedophilia”. He comes across as though he is asking for attention and wanting to get a reaction.
    Also, the person saying he would introduce the bill has not been elected. He is just a candidate. But now he has a lot of attention.
    Regarding sexual assault on college campuses… perhaps they could ban coed campuses. ( sarcasm)

    • September 21, 2022

      Sometimes sarcasm and humor is lost on the audience. I’m sure that was the case here.

      But if you think this politician is levelheaded then you did not hear his inteview on a morning radio show. He believes everyone on the registry is a “pedophile.” I’ll be adding him to the Shiitake Awards tomorrow but I had just posted a nominee fo today.

      I could not find it anywhere else but on Twitter so here’s the link:


  • September 21, 2022

    This will not pass. This guy probably won’t even be elected to office in solid-blue New York. New York has a “registry lite” with most reports being done by paper and most of the information that federal SORNA requires is not even collected by the NY state registry. In New York, Tier 1 registrants only register for 20 years (removal is automatic, no hearing required), and everyone can go to court to challenge their tier assignment basically for their entire lives (there’s a waiting period in between denials). New York has no residency restrictions and only one silly work restriction involving ice cream trucks (probably in reaction to a single incident). New York is easily one of the 10 “best” states for RSOs to reside if they can afford it and endure the weather.

    • September 21, 2022

      Sssssshhhhh. Don’t give this clown, or any other NY lawmakers, any reason to make things worse.

  • September 21, 2022

    We still have rights and have the right to attend college


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