Dr Phil Show: Not all registered sex offenders are guilty
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Last night I watched a Dr. Phil show I had recorded last week. Most of the show was typical Dr. Phil on sex offenses but it takes a turn at the end. The boyfriend had passed a “therapeutic” lie detector test during his treatment which indicated that he was being honest that he had not groped the victim. On the show, the victim agreed to take a lie detector test and at the very end of the show, Dr. Phil suggested that viewers go to the Facebook Page and Twitter – “We will have information there about whether or not sexual offenders can be rehabilitated, what their degree of re-offense is – it is lower than you think.”  After the credits ran there were three screens of text containing the following – 1) “Matt’s accuser took a polygraph exam after the show and was asked in that exam if Matt had groped her”; 2)”She responded that he had”; 3) “According to the results, her answer was deceptive”. Episode 2576 aired January 13, 2017. Dr. Phil’s final comments and the text screens were not found on the website excerpts.
So it appears that Matt was set up by his former sister-in-law. Was she charged with perjury? Has Matt’s conviction been overturned?
Fyi…i personally knew a convicted SO who knew how to pass lie detector tests and i watched it happen time and time again. He explained to me that it’s all in your breath and breathing. So…no i will never believe a lie detector test again after having proof they can be passed by someone who is blatantly lieing.
Very few can pass a lie detector test when they are in fact not being truthful, but how can you explain a ‘victim’ being deceptive on a lie detector test. You can’t fake deceit. And nerves only show up as ‘inconclusive’. So just bc you know a liar, doesn’t make you an expert.. It means you need better friends.
Military call it ‘beating the box’. Military are trained to lie effectively in case they are captured. So yes, anyone can learn how to pass a polygraph when answering with lies. That’s why polygraphs are not admissable in court.
…and the victim? Dumbass!
Uhm God the general public is full of idiots. The VICTIM took the polygraph
They BOTH took polygraphs! Guess you’re part of that ‘general public’.
Say you are correct and Matt beat the box ,aka lie detector test. Why did Sarah , his victim fail a similar test.
Because polygraphs do not work. There is never any need for serious people who are interested in facts to discuss them. Just a waste of time.
Well, in THIS particular case, apparently not only did Matt pass his lie detector exam, the ‘victim’ flunked hers. When it’s he said/she said, what other proof can one go by? An old friend of mine accused her husband of molesting their 3 year old bc his colon/rectum was enlarged (common in toddlers who often have constipation). She ruined all their lives, including by coaching the child for the next 10 years so he’d believe it and say it (never stated it initially), and in the end, the judge sided with her husband.
Actually lie detector s deal with multiple things. Breathing is just one of them. Heart rate is another
I know of a case where the soon to be ex didn’t want to share custody. She invited the ex over for dinner for two, fixed his favorites, lead him on and spent the night together. Then in the morning cried rape! She got full custody! She admitted everything to a friend of mine
what was the results of the accuser that said she would submit a lie detector on the phone I cant find it. If she gets tired of her boyfriend I am single. Had to throw that in there she’s very pretty seems like a really good woman.
Phil needs a shrink himself! and a lie detector test himself! I had seen that show and during the show, he made false statements about SO Stats! I emailed the show the same day with supporting evidence from his own state of CA. about reoffense rate as well as from the FEd’s. no response was received!
We should have suspected as much when talking about Dr. Phil, who’s celebrity status makes him small and narrow-minded just like many others, while thinking this can never affect them.
The above situation is far more legion than anyone can imagine. Plea bargains account for nearly all convictions, a system of psychological torture to get a guilty plea by promising the victim a monstrously unjust sentence in place of a horrendous one if only they’ll plead guilty. You are promised that so much sh** will be thrown against the walls of justice that some of it will stick-so you sign even though you know you are innocent of a crime that should never have even been criminalized in the first place.