“In the City I reside in within Orange County, Florida there is no current Ordinance nor Restriction for Registered Citizens partaking in Halloween activies and events. However in my County enforcement, random visits to RSO homes will be done prior to and during Halloween. “You can count on us knocking on your door states my County Sherriff.” But then I asked my City police and they said there was no problem as long as you turn off your lights and go to bed early!


Does any of this make sense? No code restrictions, no ordinance in my City and most importantly no State Statute in accordance to my own case prohibits myself from any Halloween activity. I asked for several opinions from Civil Rights Attorneys and the conclusion is the same as the cops, turn off your lights and go to bed.


-Why risk the possibility of any trouble even if you are completely compliant is the general consensus here.


So outside the lines of law, there is now a built in myth and hysteria when it comes to knocking on a door of a RSO during Halloween. Cops say don’t you dare answer the door and so do Attorney’s. But if you happen to live in a area that does not have special requirements and restrictions, can I or should I open the door to trick or treaters?


My opinion is no. Although I have always been under the consensus that a violent mollester last day to commit a assault against a minor would be Halloween since the parents are sitting waiting in a car across the street and every cop in town is watching your house.


The facts are in front of politicians, legislators, the police and society about Halloween and recidivism as well as crimes committed against children and we still perpetrate non sensical laws, restrictions and ordinances to the Registered Citizen long after the Courts have Spoken, sentences handed down and our Releases back into a Society that lump all our crimes together and deam us Monsters that cannot be rehabilitated.


“I question whom the Monster’s on Halloween lurking through the dark of night really are?




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