No Voting for Sex Offenders or Murderers Says Florida
Florida’s state Supreme Court on Thursday approved language for a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that would restore voting rights to felons after they complete their sentences.
If the measure makes it on the ballot and receives a 60% favorable vote, the voting rights of Felons in Florida could be restored upon completion of their sentence.
Unfortunately, the rights would not be returned to murders or the very broad category of “sex offenders”. It’s not right!
I was convicted in Michigan. My right to vote , as far as I remember has not been removed. When I paroled out to Florida, I was advised of the rules and regulations of that state as well. I have voted every time there was a need for a registered voter to vote….so am I violating any laws?
There is no law against an RSO voting.
They just won’t automatically restore ones civil rights here in FL, making you eligible to vote.
Under our last governor, just about everyone got automatic restoration of rights. Under our current governor, as soon as he was sworn in he changed it to where no felons get their rights back except through some type of process of the Florida parole commission, which is headed by the secretary of agriculture, Pam Bondi, and the governor himself. Since the system has been in play, they only meet about four times a year and only review the applications of a handful of applicants at a time, meaning that almost no felon gets his right to vote restored. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning. But even under the old system of the last governor Which was pretty much automatic upon release, there was an exception for automatic restoration of rights for violent criminals and RSO’s that required us to wait several years then file a paper petition with the Florida parole commission in order to receive restoration of rights. At one point, the list for petitions was about 200,000 names long, and at the current rate the governor and his henchmen are processing them you don’t have a snowballs chance in hell. At least with the rest of the felons getting automatic restoration of rights via the legislature and not specific approval of the governor, perhaps that will give the governor a much shorter list of people to manually approve restoration of rights. Who knows.
RSO here. Been voting for years. Still can’t get over that I’m not a convicted felon because of withheld adjudication, but am considered convicted “for the purposes of registration. Florida law contradicts itself.
Yes, my son is also able to vote because of AW. I always say he is a politicians worst nightmare! lol
Looks like the Felon restoration of rights lawsuit is moving along as can be viewed here.
According to those I know who are involved with this addition to Florida constitution #1 politicians wouldn’t support it if sex offenders were included. However the group responsible for the petition promised to come back for us at a later date. I assume when either the public is more educated or the right person’s son ends up here with us. Until then Florida politicians will do what they always do to avoid a lawsuit they will set up some faux committee for sex offenders to appear before with the mirage of having their civil rights restored only to have the football moved as they are about to kick it. That’s the Florida way
Maybe if the principles that our founders followed…no taxation without representation…were implemented and RSO’s did not have to pay taxes, then we might get the attention of the bureaucrats as their primary motivation is ‘money’. Restoration of voting rights to RSO’s would restore an additional cash flow and that would get the bureaucrats to ‘salivating’.
That’s when we as a group petition to have our status declared as a minority.
I believe part of the reason that this made it to the legislature is because of a petition that was circulated. It requested the voting rights be restored after incarceration except for murders and sex offenders. I actually signed that petition although against my better judgement. I asked someone who was circulating the petition why the exclusions and that person told me that it was probably the only way they could get the general public to support it. I went ahead and signed it thinking that I would testify against the two exclusions when it came up in the legislature . But, alas, I did not follow up and take the opportunity. This shows how important it is to stand up for registered citizens and to do it on a timely basis.
I served my country for 29 years and in a time of great emotion and disappointment after my wife’s death failed my daughter. We have since made amends and are in the process of putting our family back together. I am probably as well qualified to vote in an informed manner as anyone. Because of bureaucratic innuendo, media hype, paranoia, and false premises, this tax paying, country loving veteran cannot vote but instead is being characterized as no better than a murderer. I hope that our Florida legislators are proud of themselves.