No Voting for Sex Offenders or Murderers Says Florida

Florida’s state Supreme Court on Thursday approved language for a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that would restore voting rights to felons after they complete their sentences.

If the measure makes it on the ballot and receives a 60% favorable vote, the voting rights of Felons in Florida could be restored upon completion of their sentence.

Unfortunately, the rights would not be returned to murders or the very broad category of “sex offenders”. It’s not right!

34 thoughts on “No Voting for Sex Offenders or Murderers Says Florida

  • April 23, 2017

    You guys have it really bad in Florida with such hateful human beings in politics. I guess we have it good here in Massachusetts with more progressive laws. California at least is moving to a tiered system. Florida is way behind the times, and it should be ripe for lawsuits.

    • April 24, 2017

      I’m not concerned about the money from a law suit but I would like to see the bureaucrats in Tallahassee and the various Florida counties have to admit that they were wrong. I’m sure there are plenty of lawyers out there who would be more that happy to reap the monetary rewards.

  • April 22, 2017

    Of course this is not right and it is blatantly unconstitutional. I am not a lawyer or even close to it but if I am not mistaken no state can make a law that takes away a Constitutional right. In fact, just taking away civil rights from felons (after sentence served was unconstitutional). The Constitution of the US says if you are a citizen of the USA you have the right to vote. As far as I know it does not say except when…

    Now, when a person is under civil control that is another story but once off they have paid their debt….this is wrong….

  • April 21, 2017

    Taxation without representation

  • April 21, 2017

    This means the damn politicians will have a field day with us.

  • April 21, 2017

    No voting means no representation. There should not be taxation without representation. Disenfranchising individuals is beginning of a slippery slope.

  • April 21, 2017

    I guess okay to be violent felon as long as you didn’t kill anyone. Their still allowed to vote. I guess it doesn’t matter to me much anymore, I really don’t like anyone that was elected anyway. Are they afraid that a million sex offenders were allowed to vote that may cause a tidal way of voting against their bills. May if grouped large enough to compete with the NRA we could lean on politicians like they do to get change. We could call it the NSOA.


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