No Voting for Sex Offenders or Murderers Says Florida

Florida’s state Supreme Court on Thursday approved language for a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that would restore voting rights to felons after they complete their sentences.

If the measure makes it on the ballot and receives a 60% favorable vote, the voting rights of Felons in Florida could be restored upon completion of their sentence.

Unfortunately, the rights would not be returned to murders or the very broad category of “sex offenders”. It’s not right!

34 thoughts on “No Voting for Sex Offenders or Murderers Says Florida

  • March 21, 2018

    Yes, I know about these laws and the change Everytime a sex offender rapes or murders a child. They should not have been able to get that far. But I have been in system for 22 years and things like this hurts nonviolent offenders more. I pray God will help us, because our voice in Florida legislature means nothing.

    • March 21, 2018

      Didn’t a judge say that it is unconstitutional for FL to pick and choose who gets the rights restored? Didn’t the judge say All or None?

      • March 22, 2018

        Karen, that’s what I read…all or none.

      • March 22, 2018

        Yes that’s regarding the ruling on the lawsuit. The wording on the Amendment they are trying to pass is separate and needs a vote. I believe the ruling should override any exclusion.


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