New York’s new Internet ban.
I was reading an article in the Yorktown Daily Voice, thinking about how I can present it in a way that makes sense.
The article begins, “The State Senate approved, 59-2, legislation prohibiting Level 2 and Level 3 sex offenders from using the internet for social networking or for accessing pornographic sites involving sexual relation with minors for life.”
So the social networking ban is horrible and undoubtedly it will be challenged (or preempted once the Packingham decision comes out), but what’s this about being prohibited from “accessing pornographic sites involving sexual relation with minors”? What’s that all about? Isn’t everyone prohibited from accessing pornographic sites involving sexual relation(s) with minors? Isn’t that illegal to begin with? Shouldn’t everyone be banned from accessing child porn? Why create a separate law to make that illegal for registrants?
The new legislation also prohibits a registrant from, “communicat(ing) with individuals under eighteen years of age for the purpose of promoting sexual relations”. Again… hasn’t soliciting sex with a minor been illegal already?
NO it makes NO sense and clearly illustrates how those with the label “sex offender” are treated as a different class than “non-sex offenders” by the attempt to pass laws that already exist for everyone (non-sex offender labelled citizens.
This is a clear cut example of how special laws aka punishments are being forced on an artificially created class of people.
This is a class of people who can NOT change their classification as it is typically for life (not unlike skin color or race) and yet is used to segregate this class.
Clearly we need to model our FIGHT for RIGHTS after the black civil rights and the gay movements. Those efforts finally made changes for those groups. The system is clearly against us having equal rights of the average citizen. It must be fought and fought with the same vigour that they are fighting to KEEP US DOWN!
Repeal the registry. The nazi also had a registry for certain classes and that did not end well for them.
SWA,. I dont know but this seems to be getting more sinceless, in some states, and by doing that it causes, more problems in other difficult situations. But that being said if what they are trying to do is warn potential SO from attempting to make contact with the under aged that would make more since. But registered SO already know that is a stupid thing to do. Law makers try to make new laws to make life more difficult. And probably gives them a since of well being in away. Because that is what they do. But that being said, all law makers arent they same. Sometimes there possitive, sometimes there negative. So the way it stands. Most SO’s do not reoffend, and dont need new laws to make them sound more “BAD” than they really are. This is AMERICA . There needs to be change. And every potential SO needs to know what they are faceing, i am possitive that can be done. If not completly 100% helpful it will help stop neumerous potential offences. As far as current offenders, they need to go somewhere to live and work. There record will always be active. But they do not need to be living there current lifestyle. It been proven ” not good ” in so many ways. That is my view. And many more broken, saddened familys!!!. It has been long enough. GOD BLESS !!.
Politicians have way to much time on their hands-they have to continually brainstorm ideas to their constituents how they are coming up with laws to justify their jobs in office. sex offenders are an easy targeted political foot ball to kick around, being every one hates them- they have no representation standing up for them- BELIEVE ME they will come up with a law where a man can be arrested- prosecute for possession of rapist tools- a women for intent to distribute porno to minors
Just more scary, fear-mongering rhetoric to make people think that’s the only thing sex offenders try to do….that’s probably why they paired it with social networking, to infer that it is the vessel used for doing such ridiculous and already illegal things to the sheeple.
Once again, ‘do-gooders’ chasing an agenda rather than a problem…correcting a problem that was corrected years ago. I wonder which politician will want credit for the ‘brilliant’ law?
Obviously this can only be for the purpose of garnering votes