New Trial Date in Ex Post Facto Plus II

This order was just issued by the court.

ORDER EXTENDING DEADLINES AND CONTINUING THE TRIAL: The defendant’s unopposed motion to extend deadlines and continue the trial, ECF No. 36 , is granted in part. The discovery deadline is extended to 11/14/2022 . The deadline to move for summary judgment is extended to 12/12/2022 . The trial is rescheduled for the two-week period that begins on March 20, 2023. A party with a conflict during that period must file a notice by 9/23/2022 . Signed by JUDGE ROBERT L HINKLE on 09/09/2022. ( Jury Trial set for 3/20/2023 08:15 AM in U.S. Courthouse Tallahassee before JUDGE ROBERT L HINKLE) (tpm)

12 thoughts on “New Trial Date in Ex Post Facto Plus II

  • September 11, 2022

    Delay, Deny and Defend… Slander and delay some more…

    Some of us have been doing this for 20 plus years. Federal SORNA has tiers and ends at 15, 25 and Life.

    How does one go about finding what tier they are and seek removal from the federal side?

    • September 11, 2022

      I wonder that myself so I’m a tier one federal but lifetime (Florida). Unfortunately I don’t think it matters Unless a court case is out there in which you can sue the state saying you should be off the federal based on tier but the state is keeping us on…maybe your on to something.

    • September 11, 2022

      I am also in the same situation of being at 21 years which would get me off the list were it not for Floriduh. This has got to end and I would prefer in MY lifetime!

    • September 12, 2022

      I was federal, off of my home state registry (never published) and stuck on this damn states. Was 26 years ago so id like to try to apply to get off. Tier one non published in my home state and made the mistake of coming here.

      • September 13, 2022


        Do you live in FL? I was told by my sheriff’s office that if I get removed in my offense state (eligible next year), I can get removed in FL. Have you talked to your sheriff’s office to see if they say the same thing?

        • September 13, 2022

          Folks, FL law does not allow registry removal on the basis of being removed in one’s offense state. Many people on the FL registry have committed no crimes here.

          Sheriff’s offices say all kinds of things, but they are not law firms.

  • September 11, 2022

    What does the Ex Post Facto case do for us that are on the registry in Florida?

  • September 11, 2022

    Is there actually a jury present during this?

    • September 11, 2022


  • March 30, 2023

    Is there an update on the Ex Post Facto I/II trials?

    • March 30, 2023

      I’ve inquired for any minor updates that might be shareable and will reply here if there are any. Please keep in mind that if there are any major updates, it will be posted promptly as a new article.

  • April 29, 2023

    This case is important in Florida. The registry is gotten beyond common sense. It is designed to apply to stranger danger offenders instead of family cases which make up almost all of the cases in the registry. In the old days before the registration, the state’s emphasis was designed to psychologically treat the family in order to achieve reunification and continuation of the family structure. Now is about punishing the families.


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