New Florida Internet Identifier Law Approved by Governor
Florida House Bill 699, which “[r]evises definition of term “Internet identifier”; defines “social Internet communication”; requires sexual predators & sexual offenders to register each Internet identifier’s corresponding website homepage or application software name with FDLE through sheriff’s office; requires sexual predators & sexual offenders to report any change to certain information after initial in-person registration in specified manner.” was approved by Governor Scott yesterday.
In essence; the new law requires registrants to register the “identifier” and where the identifier is used (ie: homepage of website or software application name”). The full text of the new law can be found here:
The law requires that one registers, “each Internet identifier’s corresponding website homepage or application software name, with the department through the department’s online system or in person at the sheriff’s office within 48 hours after using such electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers”
Currently, the FDLE’s Cyber Communication System does not allow you to register the “corresponding website homepage or application software name“. Unless the system is updated, we suggest registering them at the Sheriff’s office or calling the FDLE at 1-888-357-7332 for guidance on what to do in order to committing a crime by not registering the “corresponding website homepage or application software name“.
Note that this new law does not stop the lawsuit, which is still pending and will continue. Our position is that the State cannot replace one unconstitutional law with another.
i just read the pdf what I’m confused about say if one owns a business and the business makes comments on websites, etc under the business name… it does not address that situation at all.
also if a person is in a trade group, or some other type of group where they discuss trade secrets, etc… or banking info, etc… they want that info? humm perhaps a social site of rick scott sucks, florida sucks, etc…. might be in order
but all i know is that this really stinks, guess they want to fill up them private prisons they have vested interests in.
The governor of Florida is a sick man. He is not fit to run a garbage dump…wait…guess I was wrong since he is already doing that.
Pity as Florida is such a beautiful state were it not for the government there. Hopefully the good people of that state will vote the entire corrupt bunch out and join the rest of the civilized world.
Well said! Florida needs to get their act together. It’s such a waste of a great state to live in, all due to laws like this.
The bigger problem is Pam Bondi….
if i join or create or chang name on some website on a Fridays afternoon or (sat. and monday is a holiday) how do i report it to sheriff office within 48 hours and not break the law?
Hopefully you will not have to do it for long but there will be electronic (online) means for you to update.
You must do both! Do not neglect your County registration. Give it to your PO AND SPOT. The rules/timelines are also slightly different for both, and neither exempts you from reporting to the other. They are BOTH required.
Every registrant should read these Florida statutes, in full, ideally once per year:
943.0435 Sexual offenders required to register with the department; penalty.—
(If Pred) 775.21 The Florida Sexual Predators Act.—
(If on supervision) Your entire set of orders, which do come from a standard list but are ultimately unique to the individual and can be changed over time.
The information provided by Bryan is not correct – it only applies to people on probation.
And exactly what freaking purpose does this serve??
I wanna cry – this is absolute insanity!
I hope the ACLU or someone files an emergency motion to stop this; especially after the recent SCOTUS Ruling. Anonymous Free Speach I thought was a constitutional right!
so we would have to disclose the name(s) that are used here and this website.
i have 100’s as i have 2 different business, vendor sites, etc… what fing BULLSHIT!!!
I thought we had lawyers fighting this.
We do.
This is a newly passed law.
So what happened to the motion for summery judgement and the motion to make the injunction permanent that was submitted on June 22nd?
You realize there are going to be a butt full of us who will be arrested for this new asinine law.