New Florida Internet Identifier Law Approved by Governor

Florida House Bill 699, which “[r]evises definition of term “Internet identifier”; defines “social Internet communication”; requires sexual predators & sexual offenders to register each Internet identifier’s corresponding website homepage or application software name with FDLE through sheriff’s office; requires sexual predators & sexual offenders to report any change to certain information after initial in-person registration in specified manner.” was approved by Governor Scott yesterday.

In essence; the new law requires registrants to register the “identifier” and where the identifier is used (ie: homepage of website or software application name”). The full text of the new law can be found here:

The law requires that one registers, “each Internet identifier’s corresponding website homepage or application software name, with the department through the department’s online system or in person at the sheriff’s office within 48 hours after using such electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers”

Currently, the FDLE’s Cyber Communication System does not allow you to register the “corresponding website homepage or application software name“. Unless the system is updated, we suggest registering them at the Sheriff’s office or calling the FDLE at 1-888-357-7332 for guidance on what to do in order to committing a crime by not registering the “corresponding website homepage or application software name.

Note that this new law does not stop the lawsuit, which is still pending and will continue. Our position is that the State cannot replace one unconstitutional law with another.

58 thoughts on “New Florida Internet Identifier Law Approved by Governor

  • June 27, 2017

    So what now? This state is a joke. I wish I never came to this state. Every politician in Tallahassee should look at themselves and worry about what will happen to them when they face God. I have been off probation since April 2005 before any of these laws took effect. I plea bargained back in 1996. i was told back then I only had to register for 10 years which was the length of my probation. I’ve paid my debt to society. I hope the judge comes through ASAP…. Because I am tired of bullshit laws being passed for no reason. The only people to be worried about are not RSO’s but politicians themselves. GOD help us all.

  • June 27, 2017

    What happed to the motion Held on April 10th. This should have already been shut down by the Federal Judge.

    • June 27, 2017

      That concerned the 2014 and 2016 version of the law that was amended by this 2017 definition.

      • June 27, 2017

        So we have noting in place at the moment to protect our first amendment rights?????

  • June 27, 2017

    so , when does the FDLE plan on notifying RSO’s ?? after they violate this new law ??

    • June 27, 2017

      Probably. This would be their typical “make s**t up and don’t tell anyone until it is too late” approach. Then they can pad their stats again and tell everyone how great it’s working so they can make it worse.

  • June 27, 2017

    I don’t understand what we are supposed to do now then…?? Register every website we go to or what?

    • June 27, 2017

      Edit: I just got off the phone with FDLE, and they said that the law goes into effect on Thursday, and that the website would be updated by then to allow remote changing of the identifier specifics.

    • June 28, 2017

      Ref: new internet identifier law, if your playing games on the internet, do you have to make ref: to the games web site? there is no URL. What about on line banking, paying all utilities on line .etc; ?

  • June 27, 2017

    So would this new amendment to the current law take affect September or October 1st??

    • June 27, 2017

      It takes effect NOW


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