New administration wants to hand out more time.

Sessions’ office releases memo to all 94 US attorneys calling for reversal of Holder-era policy

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ office sent out a letter late Thursday to the nation’s federal prosecutors instructing them to pursue the most serious charges possible against most criminal suspects.

The move will send more people to prison and for much longer terms by triggering mandatory minimum sentences.

Officials at the Department of Justice said the new guidelines are a direct rebuttal of policies implemented under President Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder.

The memo is already being referred to as “the Sessions Memo.” The 94 U.S. attorneys were instructed in the memo to “charge and pursue the most serious and readily provable offense.”

These cases often carry the longest sentences.The memo also brings back into effect mandatory minimum sentences, which are expected to increase prosecutions and the prison population.


10 thoughts on “New administration wants to hand out more time.

  • May 12, 2017 at 10:39 am

    Of course they would do this. Prison’s are big business and lots of revenue. That’s what this is about.

    • May 12, 2017 at 11:25 pm

      Yet soooo many people are just simply sitting on their asses and doing NOTHING about it. Business as usual. If it doesn’t affect them, or their family, they don’t give a sh*t.

  • May 12, 2017 at 12:42 pm

    Don’t worry, he’s just kidding!

  • May 12, 2017 at 2:05 pm

    The US which has used the advertising slogan “Land of the Free” should be sued for false advertising since it is simply NOT true.

    How can the country with the biggest percentage of its population locked in cages like animals make this claim?

    How can the prison system be allowed to have a goal of making a PROFIT and not a goal of REFORMING those unfortunate enough to get caught up in the “system?”

  • May 12, 2017 at 5:36 pm

    When are “The People” gonna get enough of this crap ??. When are “The People” gonna realize that it’s time to “Check” The Government ???. Cops don’t care about The Constitution, They don’t care about Civil Rights, Cops will KILL YOUR AZZ, For simply refusing to Comply To Their Demands. And The JUDGES are Backing up The Cops !!!. When are “The People” gonna realize that they have a better chance of being KILLED BY A COP, Than being killed be ANY TERRORIST !!!????. Prisons and Jails are mostly Owned by Judges and Lawyers and Politicians, And these “Owners” GET PAID BIG BUCKS to house an Inmate !!. So why wouldn’t the Cop Arrest you, Then send you in front of a Judge, Then Why wouldn’t the Judge put you in Jail or Prison ??, It’s all about “The Money” !!! . When “The People” wake up and realize that OUR Country has Went To Hell, Maybe, Just Maybe “The People” will deside to demand a change !!!. It takes “The People” to cause Change!! “The Person” can’t do it alone !!! And nobody even cares until something happens to them or someone they care about, But by then it’s too late !!. Something needs to be done NOW, Before EVERYONE IS LOCKED AWAY !!!.

    • May 12, 2017 at 11:23 pm

      Amen brother! You’re exactly right. That’s the goal. Lock all the men up, and then there’s nobody strong enough to fight back.

  • May 12, 2017 at 6:32 pm

    How can we get rid of this moron before he destroys what’s left of this country? It takes some really screwed up thinking to go against the mass movement in the US of criminal justice and sentencing reform. Maybe he should read a recent news article on this topic, or read a book.

    • May 16, 2017 at 4:33 pm

      What do you expect from someone who wore a white hood in the sixties and didn’t know that Hawaii is a state?

  • May 17, 2017 at 9:45 am

    Having been observing the news reports over the past several months it would certainly appear that to convict a politician of wrongdoing it is necessary to prove ill intent with their actions. This the ‘legal beagles’ say is extremely difficult to do. However, when it comes to RSO’s, all that is required is ‘intimation’ to carry out an illegal act…even thought the intent is not and never was present…to convict. As I read John Adams this morning in his statement about defending British soldiers,”The law, in all vicissitudes of government, fluctuations of the passions, or flights of enthusiasm, will preserve a steady undeviating course; it will not bend to the uncertain wishes, imaginations, and wanton tempers of men.” Today RSO’s are daily exposed to the fluctuations of the passions and the imaginations and wanton tempers of men…politicians and ‘do-gooder’ citizens. According to Adams our laws were to protect us from such actions.

  • May 18, 2017 at 7:34 am

    It is HUGE revenue to have people locked up. In so many ways. You are all correct…this is not the land of the free – that is a cruel joke we have been fed. The USA accounts for 5% of the World’s population and has 25% of the World’s incarcerated. That is disgusting. The increase in the USA’s prisoner population has grown while at the same time the crime rate has steadily decreased for decades. How can this be…? Because the majority of the incarcerated are from what most people would consider non-violent non-contact crimes. Nearly half the US Code now includes crimes that for decades were misdemeanors that are now felonies and carry hefty prison sentences. The USA also has the largest female prison population in the World (so it is not just men). Unlike many other countries, we punish instead of helping those who need it (for instance, opiate abuse). Incarceration not only affects the incarcerated but impacts the family as well. Just the financial burden alone takes years and years to overcome if ever. There are a few politicians out there that “get it.” They see the toll on humanity. The former president was one of them – he actually wrote a very interesting paper about it. Mass incarceration has always been at the top of his list. Unfortunately, the current administration ran on the premise that he would be the “law and order president.” When I heard those words I knew it would not be good and that the few improvements that had been made would be un-done. Along with others, this is a crisis for USA citizens. It WILL affect every family eventually if it is not stopped.


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