NC: Phone scam targeting persons required to register as sex offenders

[FAC NOTE: We will keep sharing these as a reminder]


A phone scam in Orange County has been targeting registered sex offenders, prompting the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to warn the community about the risks of these calls.

On Nov. 17, the sheriff’s office received two calls alerting them about the scam.

“The person would answer the phone and the caller would say, ‘There’s a warrant out for your arrest, and you’ve failed to appear and comply with a DNA order,’ which is a thing that a sex offender would be familiar with,” Orange County Sheriff Charles Blackwood said. “So a sex offender on the registry is generally very concerned about coming to the attention of law enforcement.”

The scammers would then ask the recipients to meet them in the parking lot of the sheriff’s office and bring $2,000 to someone pretending to be a sergeant.


22 thoughts on “NC: Phone scam targeting persons required to register as sex offenders

  • July 5, 2022

    I had one of these calls 2 weeks ago. I was at work and got a call from the 813 area code which I didnt know so I just sent it to vm. About an hour later I see a vm was left. I called and retrieved the message and it went something like this “Hello this is the Hillsborough Sheriffs department and I am Officer (dont remember the name) please call me back at this number at extension 704”. The number was 813 596-5024. Immediately my anxiety went up and my mind started to race to think what have I done wrong. That went on for about 5 mins then I remembered the scam calls about missing registration and that eased my mind a bit but still wasnt sure. I went out to my car to make the call so I could have complete privacy. My heart was still racing as I dialed the number. The guy answered the phone as the sheriffs department. I asked for ext 704 and he said he could help me out and asked my name. I gave it to him and he went to pull my file. when he came back he said this was a recorded line and if I wanted a copy to contact the clerk of the court in 6 months. I started to feel like this was a scammer. So I asked who was the clerk and where was he office. He fumbled and quickly gave me an address.

    He proceeded to tell me I missed a court appointed sample collection. Knowing I hadnt, I asked what was the sample I was suppose to give and he said you know the sample you guys give. I asked where this was supposed to be given and he said where I register. I told him I didnt register in Hillsborough he immediately was confused said oh ya then you need to go to Pinellas. By this time I was for sure this was a scammer and was pissed that he had gotten my anxiety up in the beginning. as they say knowledge is power so I decided to have a little fun with him. We went back and forth a little bit and he said oh I must be one of those smart ones who thinks they know the law.

    He asked if I was refusing to five the sample and I said no and which he said he was stay on the line until I got down to the Pinellas Sheriffs department. Oh he had told me before that when I got there I would immediately be arrested. So being the smart ass that I am I asked him how is he going to stay on the phone and also notify them to arrest me which he gave me a stupid reason. He said I had to go right now and I said no because I was at work. I had to work so that I could pay for bail and an attorney if I was going to be arrested. I then asked him if I called some of the Detectives I know down there they would know about this and I named off a few I know, one I even babysat when he was a kid. The scammer didnt have any answers for me and finally hung up. I called back and gave them my name again and was again hung up on.

    I felt pretty good by now so I text the detective who handles my file but never got a response which was kind of depressing. I had hoped they would want to the details to try to stop this.

    I tell my story so that maybe one person wont fall prey to them.

  • December 7, 2021

    If Anyone Thinks That a Sheriff is an Ally/Supporter/or DEFENDER of a ‘Person Forced to Register’, then, I have a ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ to Sell You!
    (Not Inclusive of people like CherokeeJ or other LEO’s who are Gentlemen!)

    • December 7, 2021


      Thank you, I am blushing lol

      Believe it or not, a friend I had who was a deputy in another department stood by me even after I told him it was best to not get involved because some of the accusations might be true. I had people I never thought would stand by me and others that changed their phone #’s just so I would not call them as a character witness.

      When I was on the job, there were three main types of officers. Two of the types I can name the officers and the middle one I cannot.

      #1 The officers who made mine and others around them, lives misrable (I can name even 40 years later their names)

      #2 The officers or department employees who treated me with respect and honest 100% down home truth, justice and the American way. ( I can only name 3 of them 40 years later)

      #3 Those quiet, boring, plain or hide in the shadows, people who were nice but but shy or not people persons ( I can picture them in my head but couldn’t name a single one) They just didn’t stand out .

      But to say all law enforcement are jerks is crazy. Since being on the registry I had a deputy who after pulling me over and learning I was on the registry, still let me pray for him. I held his hand and prayed protection and blessing over him.

      Then I have had officers I had contact with for being in a park detain me for hours harassing me searching for any little thing to haul me in for.

      The first county I lived in they used Police detectives for registration. That was horrible and I moved away. Where I am now they use civilian employees and so far if you treat them with respect, they do the same. I have yet to have any issues with them. Having said that, I have seen jerks registering just giving the employees grief like they had personally put him on the registry.

      The old saying, the one who makes the most noise gets noticed. That is NOT always the best thing.


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