‘Nationally-recognized’ teacher arrested in Fort Lauderdale for sex assault on minor after Tinder meet

A teacher who has worked in schools in Miami-Dade and Broward and who received a presidential award is facing charges in Broward County Court for allegedly sexually assaulting a 16-year-old boy who went on to write a college entry essay about it in school, police said.

XXXXXXXXXXX, who was born in Texas but lives in Fort Lauderdale, is accused of using Tinder to meet the teenage boy from Connecticut for sex in South Florida and to continue to communicate with the teen about sex on Snapchat.

The teenage boy was in Miami-Dade County on vacation with his mother in April 2021 to visit a relative in Golden Beach, according to the arrest form. The teen told police he identified himself as an 18-year-old on Tinder, but he “definitely” told XXXXXXXXXXXX later that he was a minor.

[FAC NOTE: How was a 16 year old allowed on Tinder in the first place]


10 thoughts on “‘Nationally-recognized’ teacher arrested in Fort Lauderdale for sex assault on minor after Tinder meet

  • October 11, 2022

    Wasn’t there a time when sites could screen out children by simply requiring a credit card to prove you’re above the age of majority? With so much inappropriate behavior by minors on dating sites, should this be a no-brainer?

    • October 11, 2022

      My 13 year old has a credit card with their name on it. Having a CC doesn’t prove anything. Maybe requiring them to upload a photo of ID then verifying the ID against a state database would help?

  • October 11, 2022

    When I was in group there was a guy in his early 20’s who had to attend treatment for six months. His crime was that he meet a 16yr old on a dating site who said she was 18 even the profile page said 18. He gets sentenced pleads down to avoid the registry and turns out this girl did this before to another guy. The juvenile who kept lying about her age was free to do it again.

  • October 11, 2022

    So, the teen claimed to be an adult on an adult hookup platform, which is what real teens will do if they are using these adult content platforms. Real teens do not tell random strangers they meet in these adult hookup places that they are a minor, and that they are looking for men to have sex with, the way police and other fake heroes have been doing in the “child predator” sting operations they have been conducting, to supposedly protect children from predators that are supposedly seeking children on adult hookup platforms. This REAL teen, most likely only told the man that he was a minor, AFTER they met in person, not online when they were just chatting. At that point, then yes, the adult is responsible for pushing sex on the teen, etc. A real teen is typically NOT going to push sex on an adult, especially an adult they just met, unless they are some kind of sociopath that is looking to use men to blackmail them, get them in trouble, etc.

    Point being, the “child predator” sting operations that police and other fake heroes have been conducting on these adult hookup platforms are ridiculous and absolutely PATHETIC. I’ve never heard of any of them finding any real teens in these places and removing them from there, which is what REAL HEROES would be doing. Real heroes would also be educating parents, teens, and the general public about teens using these online adult hookup platforms. Of course, they don’t do any of that because it will ruin the scam they’ve been running and getting away with for a long time, entrapping men on adult hookup platforms, to mislabel them as child predators, for no real or valid purpose at all. It’s all self-serving. It helps their own career. It brings in a lot of money for them and their departments. And the most disturbing part is that they use these sting operations to entrap men to use them to help them play out their own fantasies about minors wanting to throw themselves sexually at adult men.
    None of what they do has anything at all to do with trying to protect children from online predators, as they have been falsely claiming and getting away with for many years. They protected no children at all, and they did not stop any men from “raping children” as they have shamelessly been lying about for many years. The men were all in appropriate places for what they were looking for. There is no valid reason or excuse for anybody with a sick, twisted mind (obviously) to have been forcing their own sexual thoughts and fantasies about minors on those men, who were clearly NOT seeking minors for this. We should call this scam, “THE HUGE LIE”.

  • October 11, 2022

    My own charge was for receiving CP…from a girl I met on Match.com who claimed to be 19 but was actually 16. If she had answered honestly she wouldn’t have been able to register the account in the first place and my life would have gone completely different. I was 21, this was the first time I’d ever tried online dating, and I never even considered that I might be communicating with a liar and certainly wasn’t seeking out a minor, even though our age difference would have been perfectly legal by FL law for sex, but not to receive a photo of her.

  • October 11, 2022

    Another point of view that really hasn’t been talked about is.
    What message are these self proclaimed hero’s sending to children ? Every time you turn around they are on TV with they’re stings so kids see it. How many kids get the message that they CAN go onto adult sites ? Or that if they want to try to find an adult ,that’s the way to do it weather they are really trying to find sex or if its they’re just curious or want to try to blackmail some guy for money. The worst part is if some curious kid goes on and ends up finding a john cooy or hell a ted bundy. Who’s fault is it ? I say it’s the egoists that do these stings then splash it all over the news

  • October 11, 2022

    [FAC NOTE: How was a 16 year old allowed on Tinder in the first place]

    They lie about their age in the profile creation where you select your birthday. There is no way to verify a person is giving their correct age or not.

  • October 12, 2022

    Registered persons are not allowed to live near schools because we are supposedly “dangerous”, yet the schools themselves are seemingly filled with predators. Makes a lot of sense.
    But at least the registry once again did its job to protect kids…..not.

  • October 12, 2022

    Another upstanding, church-going, “valuable” member of society goes down in flames.

    Engaging with anyone in any kind of “chat room” or dating app is like playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber.


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