NARSOL: FL sheriff posts “blue & red house” map on Facebook, ignores threats to registrants
“I’m worried for my family,” he wrote. “Today the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office decided to put a picture of a map of all the houses where registered citizens live on its Facebook page. The comments that were allowed are absolutely disgusting.”
As I read the email, I could feel the fear that the writer was expressing. I’m the communications director for the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws – NARSOL — and I frequently get emails from all over the country from people required to register on sexual offense registries. This one came from DeSoto County, Florida and had an urgent tone. I located the Facebook page and found the comments that the Florida registrant referred to.
“Open season?” wrote someone named Josh and quickly had a response. “Where can we get tags?”
The response to that from the first writer is the most chilling of all. “They have their address on each location and they can’t own firearms so . . .”
Each of the comments is sprinkled liberally with hearts and thumbs-up memes, all indicative of approval. So in addition to the two men engaged in this exchange, there are a dozen or more like-minded individuals who expressed their approval of the rightness of hunting and killing fellow human beings who are helpless to defend themselves and their families because they are forbidden by law to own the means by which to do so.
My God.. just read at the bellow comment from the FB page..
Stacey Campbell Wrote:
They should have let him finish the job. I agree with the GoFundMe page to pay for his legal affairs.
And not that I can speak of someone’s intentions, but in my heart, I believe these people (I call them that lightly) that write words like that, would stand over our bodies as we lay dying and laugh and taunt us until our last breath.
The same type of people back in past use to drag black people behind their cars until they bled to death. And to think, they call us monsters.
If one of our victims came after us, it would make a lot of sense, but these are people who mostly have never met us and have zero connections to us, they just want a chance to hurt someone. And with the ostracization we receive, few if any would even shed a tear for us other than maybe our families.
I have been a victim of vigilantes numerous times since being on the registry all these years. I got not one iota of sympathy from law enforcement. In one case was actually told that I bought it upon myself for being a pervert. So much for professionalism in law enforcement.
However I even experienced that when I was a L.E.O. The clicks run deep, almost like a secret society. I could write a book on all the secrets I could expose but would probably regret it and there would be severe consequences for myself and my family. And now would be even more so being on the registry, plus would automatically discredited as a wacko looking to take down the police.
Write the Book!
I would absolutely obtain a pen name and a ghostwriter along with a publication attorney….split the profits 50/50!
title could be ‘An American Indian Exposes the Deep Secrets of The LEO Society’
(…ah, but you could not use American Indian cause they will know who it is….HA!)
If you want to know why the cops won’t do anything to protect us, you need to understand that many of them probably feel the exact same way as the perpetrator and the flocks of those who commented in support of his actions. We will get no sympathy or help from them. Our safety is ours alone to defend, and that is not a helpless position. There are things we can do and many here and on the article’s original site have some great suggestions. Legal protections may eventually come, but we don’t need to become a victim in the meantime.
The idea that law enforcement can’t do anything because it is just a threat ,is wrong. In the Kansas City area yesterday a high school age person made a threat to another student on line just insinuating he would bring a weapon to school to settle the problem was arrested and is still in jail awaiting the investigation. They can take immediate action if they want to.
I am appalled at how hateful the state has become, the increased violence, robberies and murders. The Covid was a passover to a more violent and unforgiving world. I saw cop cars running in packs well before the increase in traffic started this year. They were anticipating and most likely looking forward to the extra jobs and funding they were about to recieve. It’s disgusting and IS a disgusting line of work for a lot of unecessarily funded departments. How can you be on “probation by cop?” Truly unconstitutional in the worst possible way
Not sticking up for the police, but they did not write the laws. However, it seems they keep it open to interpretation on what role their enforcement and harassment towards those not on probation they can get away with.
I called FDLE and was told there is no law stating they have to place flyers on my door when I am not home in big letters “Sex offender”. I have repeatedly told the officer that hanging that on my door is not going to get my address confirmation out of the way any faster. Maybe call me on my cell instead to set up a meeting? My probation officer always did that and it made things much easier for both of us.
Scarlet letter placed on my door whenever, God forbid I am not home and now he has to keep coming back time and again until I am home. Like they say on the show Shark Tank, “There’s gotta be a better way”!
The link above is In response to today’s FAC update.
The comments alone give me reasons to fear for my life with a mob mentality like that. How can the dozens of people literally threaten the same thing and this be ok? Wouldn’t freedom of speech not be protected if it’s a threat of harm to someone, such as being done? So very say how twisted and evil the minds people are when they feel it’s justifiable behavior. What a world we live in.
Absolutely effing horrifying. Based on their comments they have no right to judge.
Last year I received a very explicit threat, and I reported it to the Sheriff’s Office. Their response is I brought it upon myself. My response was if a vigilante shows up at my doorstep, I am calling for a coroner, not a cop. Someone is leaving my home in a bodybag, either me or the vigilante. I will do whatever I have to do to defend myself. End of story.