NARSOL: FL sheriff posts “blue & red house” map on Facebook, ignores threats to registrants

“I’m worried for my family,” he wrote. “Today the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office decided to put a picture of a map of all the houses where registered citizens live on its Facebook page. The comments that were allowed are absolutely disgusting.”

As I read the email, I could feel the fear that the writer was expressing. I’m the communications director for the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws – NARSOL — and I frequently get emails from all over the country from people required to register on sexual offense registries. This one came from DeSoto County, Florida and had an urgent tone.  I located the Facebook page and found the comments that the Florida registrant referred to.

“Open season?” wrote someone named Josh and quickly had a response. “Where can we get tags?”

The response to that from the first writer is the most chilling of all. “They have their address on each location and they can’t own firearms so . . .”

Each of the comments is sprinkled liberally with hearts and thumbs-up memes, all indicative of approval. So in addition to the two men engaged in this exchange, there are a dozen or more like-minded individuals who expressed their approval of the rightness of hunting and killing fellow human beings who are helpless to defend themselves and their families because they are forbidden by law to own the means by which to do so.


83 thoughts on “NARSOL: FL sheriff posts “blue & red house” map on Facebook, ignores threats to registrants

  • June 15, 2022

    If you can afford it I highly recommend one of the Guardian Breed of dogs Rottweiler Doberman Cane Corso German Shepherd and the always faithful Pitbull Terrier if you can get one or more of these do so I know when a car passes my house and they can’t tell you it’s not allowed because that may trigger another constitutional challenge

  • June 15, 2022

    Media outlets in the area have been notified of this posting. Hopefully someone will pick up this story.

  • June 15, 2022

    Baseball bats (Aluminum)
    Steel pipe
    Piece of sharpened rebar
    Wasp spray and a lighter
    A 5 foot link of heavy chain
    A guard dog that will protect its owner to the death
    Pitch fork
    Battery acid

    The list goes on, of everyday items we can legal own and would be on my list if someone got into my house. In fact, they may never been found once entering our house illegally and with ill intent.

  • June 15, 2022

    Just checked their Facebook page (DCSO) and it appears that the comments talked about were removed.

    • June 15, 2022

      No they are still there. Actually there are two posts next to each other, one with six comments and one with 90 plus comments.

  • June 15, 2022

    Someone should post the home address of the DeSoto county Sheriff AND his children’s school so he can feel the wrath of a picketing mob.
    The Democrats in DC have said that’s perfectly fine by them.

    • June 15, 2022


      I do not agree with putting his kids in danger, they didn’t do anything to us, the Sheriff did. So I do not agree with that. Just my 2 cents worth.

      But a protest in front of the Sheriff’s house would be fun and our legal right. Although I am sure that would send of the wrath of God from the sheriff’s tactical response team.

      • June 15, 2022

        You have a good idea. But what we need to do is, say once a week call a few Senators, etc. We can not vote, so we need to express our views some how. There are 78K on Florida’s registry. Given how many are out of state or dead , that brings it down to 2K, lol. This would not be in a attempt to clog out there phone linessss, sorry darn cough of mine. Or even call the sheriffs office etc. We need a call action page.

      • June 15, 2022

        There is nothing godly about persecuting law-abiding citizens trying to rebuild their lives after serving their debt. That kind of wrath comes from somewhere else, and it will be dealt with in God’s time.

  • June 15, 2022

    Can I own a gun with an “adjudication withheld”? (1998- attempted lewd exhibition in presence of under 16 y/o. A third degree felony.

    Thank you!

    • June 15, 2022

      I lived in Florida for almost 20 yrs on the hit list, like you , I had Adjudication with-held, yes, you CAN own/posses a fire arm in that case.
      I had only 1 run in with a detective over this, an anonymous call ” sex offender with a gun “, I told the detective it was a moot point whether or not I owned any fire arms as I had Adj. withheld, he pulled up court records, apologized for not looking at them in the first place and for wasting my time. , if you do chose to own a fire arm, make sure you have your court papers printed out and handy, just incase

      • June 15, 2022

        Thank you. Question- did you have problems with the criminal check and approval process? Or possibly you may have already owned the firearm.

        • June 16, 2022

          I already owned mine, gave it to a relative to hold until I was off of probation. I don’t see how you could be turned down, but if you are, you could always appeal and submit you court paperwork, or buy from an individual, you are not a felon if adj w/h. when I check the FDLE website my DC # is gone and I have ” NO criminal record” but still show up in NCIC

    • June 15, 2022

      Of course, I’m not a lawyer, but I believe so. I am also withheld, but when I tried to buy a gun a couple of years ago, the state still hadn’t approved the purchase with the licensed dealer after a two month period. So, I canceled the sale. I will likely attempt a purchase again soon. If it’s still not approved, I’ll be confident enough to buy a gun from an individual whose not required to get govt approval first.


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