NARSOL: FL sheriff posts “blue & red house” map on Facebook, ignores threats to registrants
“I’m worried for my family,” he wrote. “Today the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office decided to put a picture of a map of all the houses where registered citizens live on its Facebook page. The comments that were allowed are absolutely disgusting.”
As I read the email, I could feel the fear that the writer was expressing. I’m the communications director for the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws – NARSOL — and I frequently get emails from all over the country from people required to register on sexual offense registries. This one came from DeSoto County, Florida and had an urgent tone. I located the Facebook page and found the comments that the Florida registrant referred to.
“Open season?” wrote someone named Josh and quickly had a response. “Where can we get tags?”
The response to that from the first writer is the most chilling of all. “They have their address on each location and they can’t own firearms so . . .”
Each of the comments is sprinkled liberally with hearts and thumbs-up memes, all indicative of approval. So in addition to the two men engaged in this exchange, there are a dozen or more like-minded individuals who expressed their approval of the rightness of hunting and killing fellow human beings who are helpless to defend themselves and their families because they are forbidden by law to own the means by which to do so.
A good lawsuit might get it shut down by injunction
Yeah and Russias special operations in Ukraine is not hurting anyone . There just protecting the Ukraine people. If you believe that than you will also believe these actions against registered persons is not a danger to anyone. Yet many believe these things so don’t be surprised.
You can, however, own pepper spray. I recommend the type used for bears. Keep a can by your bed. Install cameras, eye level and street view. Also, you can possibly own black powder firearms (citation needed), knives, baseball bats, crossbows, and archery equipment, among other projectile weapons and accoutrements.
Not in Florida anymore. I use to own it and got stopped. The cop was cool and gave me the new statue. They changed the statue that Felons period can no longer possess pepper spray or mace.
Note where it states cannot own
790.23 Felons and delinquents; possession of firearms, ammunition, or electric weapons or devices unlawful.—
(1) It is unlawful for any person to own or to have in his or her care, custody, possession, or control any firearm, ammunition, or electric weapon or device, or to carry a concealed weapon, including a tear gas gun or chemical weapon or device, if that person has been:
(a) Convicted of a felony in the courts of this state;
(b) Found, in the courts of this state, to have committed a delinquent act that would be a felony if committed by an adult and such person is under 24 years of age;
(c) Convicted of or found to have committed a crime against the United States
At Cherokee, I did not know that. My family is not registered yet, so perhaps I would come to learn that. But interesting to know. And what BS.
What happened to “See something, Say something” I guess not so much….and this I knew already.
Ben you are partially right you can have knives etc. UNLESS you are on any kind of supervision then you can have NO weapons at all unless you get permission from your PO. I was even told my hammer that was at the football of my bed that I used to reach up and open and close the ac vent would be considered a weapon if I left it there. As far as sprays I used to carry a can of wasp and hornet spray in my semi you hit someone in the face with that stuff its nasty. And it usually has about a thirty foot reach
Someone currently stands accused of targeting SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh. The Congress is creating bills to provide protection to all Justices as a result…at taxpayer expense. Yest, PFR are targeted daily and nothing happens to protect us. We don’t even have the right to defend ourselves with firearms anymore. These issues need to be raised everytime someone like this sheriff does something like this.
Not only are individuals on the registry unable to do much to protect themselves or their families… BUT we are not able to monitor FB to see what threats are being said. How can law enforcement say they are here to “Protect and Serve” and then shake this can of hornets. Maybe having the random nut go out and shoot up public places is just too horrifying, so the Sherrif is trying to focus the attention to places where the self proclaimed protector can then thin out the RSO herd. Am I being overly worried?
I think not. Each year at Halloween I am required to put up a sign in my yard. Each year my wife and I go out to dinner, a movie, anyplace but at home. For 14 years I worried that I would come home to find my home would be vandalized in such a manner as my dog would be harmed or worse. He has since passed on so that worry is gone. BUT I still worry that I will find someone has done something to my home.
DeSoto County should be ashamed of themselves. Just ashamed.
Im in volusia county fl, overheard a neighbor say” im gonna get this one outta this neighborhood” while pointing to my house. Question is a air pellet gun allowable for a rso to own. Its not a firearm?
Bob, what State are you in? Here in Michigan, the legislature reclassified air rifles back in 2015 to no longer define them as firearms. As a felon, I am now allowed to own them and I have several high caliber air rifles, ranging from .22 caliber to .50 caliber.
Trust me, a couple of them will do some serious harm.
I like you, have NO real Victum, it doesent matter and never will. Now I am dealing with my ability to travel out of state with as little BS interbention as possable.
My issue now is that the Woman at the VCSO see to be allowed to make up rules as they go. I was told to change my primary address to the address where I woudl be staying out of state. They said my Drivers license needed to have that.
They are confused as to a change in Permanent address out of state and travel to another state reqwuirements.
Dont think they are sworn officers, do you know?
In Chitwood’s County?! Not likely. When I was on probation in Volusia the sheriff’s office had a fit with woodworking tools.