NARSOL 2024 Conference Line-Up

The National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws (NARSOL) will hold the 16th annual conference in Atlanta GA, June 20-23, 2024.

As the NARSOL state affiliate for Florida, and for the first time ever, all FAC Board Directors are available this year to attend, together with several FAC members.  If you will be at the conference, send an email to and let us know so we can include you in a special event for the FAC team during the conference.

Special thanks to the FAC members that will be presenting workshops at the conference. Check out the the line-up of workshops planned for the 2024 Atlanta conference:

  • Insignificant: The Notoriously Invisible Women Forced to Register – SHINE group
  • Civil Commitment – Presenter TBA
  • Collateral Consequences of People on the Registry: A Human Rights Violation – Justyna Rzewinski
  • Empowering the Marginalized Voice through Community – Lloyd Newman
  • How to Talk to Legislators – Kimberly Buddin
  • Important Recent Legal Cases – Presenter TBA
  • International Travel & International Spouses – Don Thurber, Rick Cardin and Michael Shimkin
  • Lobbying Basics – Analyzing Bills
  • Lobbying Basics – Legislation 101
  • Maximize Your Veterans Benefits – Dwayne Daughtry
  • Practical Legal Info for Registrants – Attorney Panel
  • Rise of Police Proactive Stings Part II: A Case Study – Kathleen Hambrick
  • Families On the Registry: Talking about the registry to family, friends, etc – Chris Sparks (and wife) and Brandon Floyd
  • Talking to Your Legislator (So They Will Listen): Best Practices for Lobbying and Advocacy – Kimberly Buddin
  • The Plate, the Ladder, the Circle: Taking Control of Your Narrative – Pamela Desin
  • Transforming Shame – Lloyd Newman
  • Transitional Housing for Registrants – Debra Grund
  • Twenty-Eight Pitfalls of a Man – Dr. Tolliny Rankins and Rodney Rankins
  • Unity Workshop – Janice Bellucci, Brenda Jones, Amber Vlagas

Learn more about the Conference and incredible Guest Speakers at

4 thoughts on “NARSOL 2024 Conference Line-Up

  • April 24, 2024 at 4:36 pm

    I’d love to go but will need two hotels to prevent the creation of another residence from my primary one in Florida. Any suggestions?

    • April 25, 2024 at 11:14 am

      Looking at last years agenda, day 1 is really just early registration. Wait and drive/fly up the morning of the second day. Spend 1 night and return end of day 3. Day 4 is only a half day with just 2 presentations. The bulk of the information is days 2 and 3.

      Another option, depending on where you live in Florida, is just fly up and back one or more days. The discount airlines are cheaper than the hotel stay.

      • April 26, 2024 at 5:07 pm

        Alan, thanks for the advice. I honestly did not think about the discount airlines like Spirit or Frontier.

    • April 25, 2024 at 11:25 am

      Stay one one hotel one day then stay in another hotel another day. You don’t have to stay at the confrence’s hotel to go to the conference.


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