Naming and shaming doesn’t keep women safe

Australia has found that research shows that public sex offender registries, which make people convicted of a sex offense visible to the public, are not working—same results found in the U.S.  Go figure!

Haley Boxall with says, “This is because name-and-shame campaigns stigmatize, ostracize and demonize their targets, effectively ‘othering’ them within the community.  However, community reintegration—where someone becomes an active member of and is accepted back into the community—is an important part of preventing reoffending.”


One thought on “Naming and shaming doesn’t keep women safe

  • July 24, 2024

    Naming and shaming sounds like this election going on in this Nation today or is the registry all about the shame of it all. So where does being remorseful for ones actions come into play?

    Should we lock him up until we feel that he has done his punishment or put him on lifetime supervision with our guidelines that we deem for him or her. That does not show any compassion or any true justice.

    This is a very good article and thought provoking. Sure many can understand about domestic violence and other crimes, even misdemeanors but its the shame of the label or the name game. and we all know that much of this registry is a game.

    Sure the American People are going assume the worst if you let them know you hold the label when actually the circumstances can be quite different. So whats fair and just today in this harassment game.

    Many on here are looking for some restitution to write this wrong of law enforcement. Even the registry is leveled to how they want to level it as in tier levels.

    Is government putting the blame on you or you putting the blame on them?


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