NACDL comments on Model Penal Code

This document was put out by the The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) at the beginning of this year, but it is very useful and filled with valuable information. You are encouraged to read and share it with others and apply the reasoning and research to your arguments when seeking abolition of the registry.


7 thoughts on “NACDL comments on Model Penal Code

  • October 21, 2021

    I give thumbs up to many Advocates that are striving to help others in much of this hurdle, although we as one’s caught up in all this still need to step up to the plate,as wrong is wrong and it will only get worse for others if we, along with advocates, don’t stop much of this trapment ordeal.

  • October 21, 2021


    I just emailed a copy to the head of SORNA where I reside….

    That person will probably forwarded it to the AG here and complain I am harassing her!…I am not! I am enlightening her LIFE WITH REALITY, Truth and Science!

    How Fun!

  • October 21, 2021

    Just an FYI…The email I received opened up to the NARSOL article, not the NACDL report. I see in the comments above, the correct article, but you may want to resend the email. Thanks for all you do!!!

  • October 20, 2021

    Our organization, Women Against Registry, will be exhibiting at the annual NACDL Conference in Las Vegas next month. This specific conference is on sexual crimes and will be our 7th year to display there. Last year was virtual but in 2019 there were more than 500 attorneys in attendance. We use our time to educate the attorneys regarding recent decisions, our families why women want the registry abolished. We will enlighten them on our Moratorium against derogatory terms and why they should be replaced with person-first language.

    Also, our webmaster discovered this when searching for NCMEC

    • October 21, 2021

      Thanks Vicki. The link has a tremendous amount of information about NCMEC’s disinformation. I believe it is important to dig deeply into their assertions and develop accurate counters. If untrue assertions aren’t debunked, they will remain as assumed truth.


  • October 20, 2021

    I’m glad that for the most part that our justice system, judges and juries do not sentence, convict or dismiss cases based on speculation. However, NCMEC openly admits that recidivism is based on assumptions. NCMEC needs to come up with a better argument than speculation. I guess you can speculate that everyone will eventually commit some type of crime. Whether it be a very small misdemeanor or the largest felony. Let’s go ahead and fine them, lock them up or do whatever sentencing their is before they commit any crime. Assumptions and speculations are always the best model for true justice (sarcasm).


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