11 thoughts on “MUST WATCH: Sex Offender Registries

  • August 8, 2022

    This says everything that needs to be said in a very concise and efficient way!

  • August 8, 2022

    great video i hope its viewed by more than the people on the registry and i would ask her to slow down a little when people talk so fast a lot of people stop listening and tune out
    All and all a great true video

    • August 10, 2022

      I think her speed and length of video is absolutely appropriate for the audience she is trying to reach. The young adults who are either just beginning to have families or have school-aged children under 10 were born and raised in the digital age where one of the most popular methods of getting an opinion out are a meme on Instagram, a few sentences on Twitter, or a 30 second TikTok video. While I may enjoy a thoroughly researched and well presented TedTalk even those are limited to short time spans, and most people won’t take the time to listen to or watch a lengthy educational program or documentary about a subject they already have their mind made up about if they know it will be contradictory to their own beliefs. Even though a 10 minute YouTube video might appear to be an inadequate means of getting information out there a well done one like this one is short and succinct enough for demographic it is aimed at. Anything longer is unlikely to be paid any attention, but the demographic this is geared towards will often be willing to sacrifice 10 minutes just to see what “the other side is saying.” She packed so many facts and statistics into that 10 minute video in such an easy way to understand that it may just make those young parents go in search of sources with more information and increase their willingness to invest more time into material they otherwise would have chosen not to read, watch, or listen to.

  • August 8, 2022

    Come on, Did F.A.C make this video? Excellent, now just getting the public to open their mind to reality.
    Ok this had to be a law group or justice for change type group that made this?

    Thanks for sharing. Made me feel good but, it is not us who have to be informed. Prayer and hope that, eyes, ears and hearts will be opened, awakened and the truth will be revealed.

    • August 8, 2022


  • August 8, 2022

    Who is this wonderful person???

  • August 8, 2022

    Excellent! I have been sharing this with people all day.
    The tide is slowly starting to turn.
    We must keep up the momentum!
    The March 5th, 2023 march in Washington DC is imperative, even if Janice Bellucci has opted out!
    (I respectfully disagree with her on this one.)

  • August 8, 2022

    Excellent Video!
    I have already forwarded this YouTube video to ALL of my State and Federal Senators and Representatives.
    IMO – if EVERYONE did this, who knows what could happen.

  • August 8, 2022

    Guess that video does say it all with a candy coating on it. While all states still struggle with the registry a good Letter to one’s Governor of the state is always good.. Remind them of grace and true justice. This lifetime registry is a bit unorthodox in many principals that governments are still scratching their heads on. Guess a mission statement would be judge not or you will be judged today in a court of law.

  • August 10, 2022

    Everyone should be required to watch this video in it’s entirety before being allowed to download a SO tracking app. Unfortunately, society would still scoff and ask: “this is satire, right?”

  • August 10, 2022

    Its always like a breath of fresh air when a woman steps up and speaks out against the registry. She said everything we already know, and I enjoyed reading many of the comments that agreed with her.
    I had to bite my tongue because of one commenter. I wanted so badly to reach through my computer screen and throat punch him for his ignorant comments, but it just goes to show that there will always be idiots who don’t or won’t see the truth.


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