4 thoughts on “Must Watch: Patti Wetterling Speaks at Birchwood City Council Meeting

  • November 11, 2016

    Thanks for sharing incredible video clip because there is so much going on here.
    As noted by FAC, Patty Wetterling is an exceptional human being. She is an exceptional American citizen. And her knowledge and understanding of sexual conduct and laws in this country are second to none. We all know about the Wetterling’s story of their son Jacob.

    There are so many things playing out in this amateur video that you must have good background of several issues to understand what you are seeing here. This is no description with the video. This appears to be a monthly town meeting in a small rural town of 870 people located 125 miles from Paynesville, Minnesota where Jacob Wetterling was murdered on October 22, 1989. The Wetterlings have three other children. This is small town, rural USA.

    What appears to be playing out here is the State of Minnesota had released one of their MSOP confinees into this small rural town of 870 residents with little notice. The event seemed to have set off moral panic in the community and the guy was then violated and returned to MSOP. Patty was present at the town meeting on behalf of the Wetterling Foundation to help mediate the crisis for this small town.

    Also present at this meeting was the relative of the confinee who seems to have had a traumatic encounter with the community in the short time her relative lived with her.

    Patty Wetterling is amazing here because she has immersed herself into law enforcement as well as victim/ offender management since her son’s death. She has a complete understanding of the bad child safety laws and their effect as well the actual truth of sex crimes and recidivism rates. The affect of many years of bad laws, fear mongering and false beliefs all playing out right here in this small town.

    In this video, she even shares a story of a sex offender staying her and her husband for a few months where she experienced first hand the effects of the registry. Just think about that for a minute……what this women has been through, that she has three other children…..how brave and intelligent she is to be able to reason herself through her emotions and see the world from the registrant’s perspective.

    Think about how different her journey has been and how different she is than John Walsh, Mark Lunsford, the Kanka family, Representative Chris Smith and the majority of our lawmakers.

    Just imagine how powerful this women could be for a voice of reason if she were to stand before Congress to testify on reforming America’s sex offender laws……….


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