Must Listen: Michigan’s sex offender registry needs reform, U.S. Supreme Court decides
News from SCOTUS on Sex Offender Laws
Please click the link below to hear J.J. Prescott, a University of Michigan law professor and expert on sex offender laws, talk about the state of the sex offender registry in Michigan, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision not to review a lower court’s ruling that the registry violates Ex Post Facto Laws.
So does this mean the XPF,law from that circuit court is canceled, it’s back to the regular harassment for people who were sentenced before 1996 ??
A voice of common sense and reason. I’m in Colorado where the law is based on the crime and has no risk assessment. There is virtually no exit strategy and Colorado is currently on the trajectory path of California.
Thanks to the Michigan law I’m faced with the retroactive law. My crime was in 1984, 33 years ago .Never had to register as a sex offender for over 20 years. Can it get any worse?
Well I’m a women on the MI sex offender list and I’ve got to register every 3 month’s how do i just come on a vacation to FL?
Dear Lord ma’am. Do not come to floriduh on vacation. You would be jumping from the frying-pan into the proverbial fires of hell. If floriduh can include you on its registry for being here, they will. You will never be removed from the floriduh registry, even after your passing. If you fail to notify our Nazis of your visit and are caught, you will have come to floriduh on vacation and leave on probation…or worse. floriduh does not respect its own constitution, so they sure as heck ain’t gonna apply any law fairly to you. This piece of shite state is the last place on earth any rso should want to travel. Good luck and God bless.