MS: “Sex offenders and people on death row would not be eligible”
Senate Bill 2448, which passed the Senate with little opposition and is now with the House Medicaid Committee, would allow “medically frail” inmates to be paroled to “special care facilities.” These would be specially licensed nursing homes where Medicaid could help pay for their care.
Sponsor Sen. Brice Wiggins, R-Pascagoula, says his bill would reduce costs for the Mississippi Department of Corrections, which spends about $77 million annually on healthcare for people in its custody. Medicaid won’t pay for healthcare provided inside jails and prisons, so the state pays the full cost of care for very sick and elderly incarcerated people.
Sex offenders and people on death row would not be eligible
Are you sure it isn’t in Florida? Oh wait. That’s voting. This Euthanasia law is next. If the Book’s and cronies have their way!
So then what? Is he suggesting that they don’t deserve medical care, that perhaps euthanasia is a viable solution? This seems unnecessary and just plain cruel.
Bingo. Denial of medical care is supposed to be a basic right for any citizen. Having said that, when I was locked up, I had a severe medical episode and almost died. The doctor told the guard it was all in my head. I called my parents and told them I loved them and that I only had a few days to live because they refused to believe me.
My parents called an attorney and the next day I got medical treatment. Not great treatment but got a private room in the medical ward with a hot bath, my own tv, and praise God, Air conditioning, oh and my own private bathroom.
My point is, if you do not have anyone fighting for you, they get away with treating you like “some” Russians are treating Ukraine citizens. (Not everyone in Russia is a bad person)
Yeah, sounds a lot like Michigan prisons. You could literally be bleeding from your eyes and health staff’s response was always “take an aspirin, drink more water and stop smoking”. Forget asking for an aspirin too. They would tell you to buy it from the prisoner store, even if you were indigent. Oh, and they would charge you a $5 co-pay for that.
I personally know of a guy who complained for a couple days of chest pain and when he finally got to see health care staff, their response was what I quoted above. He had a massive heart attack that same day and died.
To: Disgusted
And let me guess, they marked his death as “Natural causes”?
Probably. I can’t confirm but I heard he was buried in the prison cemetery because his family couldn’t be located. If that is true, I know it’s BS because he always got mail from his family and called them regularly.
I tried finding more info on him when I got out but couldn’t find anything. Running his name through that find a grave website comes up blank.
Another candidate for Media Blitz Phase 3.
Have no problem with that………………………..Just as long as EX sex offenders can be included. Unless someone is actively offending then they are not an offender. I was once a cop but I do not go around saying I am a cop, I say I formally worked in law enforcement, or I USE to be a cop.
Because “medically frail” registrants who are unable to even wipe their own asses are a dangerous risk to public safety.
Lol that’s not funny but the irony definitely got a laugh out of me.
There are some people who are missing words in their vocabulary. One of those words is “Compassion”. I remember the story of the prostitute in the bible who cleaned Jesus’s feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.
Jesus had compassion on her while others were disgusted by her presence. The women went on to be one of Christ’s loyal followers. If He had turned her away, who knows what would have happened to her. Showing her love and compassion, not hate and disgust saved her in more ways than one.
Yep. Same thing with the woman caught in the act of adultery. I think most everyone knows what He had to say about her.
So, now it’s not just regular murders that we are equals two. It’s capital murderers who are on death row. Is that like a promotion?