MS: “Sex offenders and people on death row would not be eligible”
Senate Bill 2448, which passed the Senate with little opposition and is now with the House Medicaid Committee, would allow “medically frail” inmates to be paroled to “special care facilities.” These would be specially licensed nursing homes where Medicaid could help pay for their care.
Sponsor Sen. Brice Wiggins, R-Pascagoula, says his bill would reduce costs for the Mississippi Department of Corrections, which spends about $77 million annually on healthcare for people in its custody. Medicaid won’t pay for healthcare provided inside jails and prisons, so the state pays the full cost of care for very sick and elderly incarcerated people.
Sex offenders and people on death row would not be eligible
When I was in prison I got Scabies twice because the guy next to me had it. Our whole unit was on lockdown because of the incompetence of “medical” and if it weren’t for my parents and I bitching I would of never gotten treatment. Medical in prisons and jails should take the Hypocratic Oath to do no harm to the patient. People in custody are human beings also, except for the ones running the asylum. Our incarceration complex is a freaking joke.
MS and other southern states are stuck in the pre civil rights era and aren’t none of the wiser. History will judge these states harshly and those who have turned a blind eye to injustice Southern style.
The Justice Statistics in both Canada and in the United States show that Drug Offenders Re-Offend at 80% and Higher and that both Homicide Offenders and Sex Offenders Collectively Together Re-Offend at 5% and Lower. Plus according to Statistics from the Innocence Project 90% of all Sex Crimes Cases and 85% of all Homicide Crimes Cases Lack the Direct Physical Forensic Evidence for Adequate and Proper Prosecution Beyond Reasonable Doubt and with Moral Certainty because of the Very Low Forensic Standards for Violent Crimes in North America Hence the Very High Rate of Wrongful Convictions among those Accused, Prosecuted and Convicted of both Homicide Crimes and Sex Crimes Collectively Together.
Plus 80 to 85% of those on Death Row have been Convicted of One/Single Homicide Crime Only and 90 to 95% of those on the Sex Offense Registry have been Convicted of One/Single Sex Crime Only. 84% of male Convicted Felons and 94% of female Convicted Felons have suffered from abuse, trauma and violence from their childhoods and youth: Adverse Childhood Experience; Adverse Childhood Traumatic Experience. 82% of male Convicted Felons and 90% of female Convicted Felons have struggled with Addiction.
Most convicted and guilty violent offenders come from tumultuous households and never received the proper diversion and intervention to get help before they became darker and got worse. And there are plenty of them who are contrite, regretful, remorseful and repentant of what happened too.
Plus only 1% of 1% of all violent offenders in which the 1% are the serial killers and the serial rapists are the true psychopaths and the true sociopaths. So psychopaths and sociopaths only make up 1% of 1% of all violent offenders.
It’s always the SO that is excluded from things. Voting, assisted. Living, many forms of entertainment, ( parks, ) campgrounds. What’s next?
The possibilities are limitless. Being banned from grocery stores and having to pay for delivery. Doctor’s refusing to treat anyone with a sex offense. Repairmen not wanting to come to your house.
And I was already told “Off the record” that our home insurance company dropped us due to the liability of me being a sex offender. The insurance didn’t admit that but the agent, who does not work for that company, told me that was most likely why. I asked how he knew that and he said insurance companies are doing background checks now to find any reason to get liabilities off their books.
We are being so suppressed; I feel like we are in our own civil war.