Missouri proposes bill to create registry of murderers

For those who always asked, why isn’t there a registry of Murderers, Missouri is proposing to create one. HB 1705 has just passed through the Missouri House and is headed to the Senate for consideration. The bill specifies that the State Highway Patrol must maintain on its website a registry for violent offenders who are on probation or parole for the offense of first or second degree murder in Missouri or for an equivalent offense in any other state.

However, unlike the sex offender registry, registrants to the murder registry would come off the list once their parole is over.

32 thoughts on “Missouri proposes bill to create registry of murderers

  • April 21, 2022

    Of course there is a path off. This way they can run later on making it for 10 years and then after that they run on making it 25 years and so it goes. They know how to work it to get voting longevity. And the police get a great talking point about protecting you and of course $$

  • April 21, 2022

    O how convenient. But it would be unconstitutional to keep them on the registry for longer than there probation, now wouldn’t it. Hmmm.

  • April 20, 2022

    At least it is more reasonable than the Florida sex offender registry.

    • April 21, 2022


      Or what they will do, is what they did to us. Make it soft, then each year add to it until they are on for life with no way off. It could go one of three ways. Get struck down, allowed to pass, or get more severe with each add on.

      I and many others have said, this “Might” be a good thing as it brings light to the fact that eventually, the more these are allowed, Everyone in the U.S will eventually be on some sort of registry.

      Bad parent registry
      Animal abuse registry
      Daycare abuse registry
      Tax evasion registry
      Bad driver registry

      It may take this to end the madness. Unfortunately, some of us will be in a nursing home before that happens. Oh wait, Correction, we are not allowed in nursing homes.

  • April 20, 2022

    BING to the O. BINGO we have a winner. If that passes (The part about them being able to get off that registry at some point) that is further proof of punishment. Why do they get a path forward, a way off so easily and yet some of us have been on the registry since Moses parted the Red sea. With no way off, even until death we doth not pass from the holds of such sorrows.

    What happened to:
    “The principle that the law must be general—that it must apply equally to all—is a fundamental demand of legal morality, associated with the ideal of the rule of law.”

    Source borrowed from the Iowa law review.

  • April 20, 2022

    Willing to bet if it passes the Federal Courts will declare it unconstitutional for all the reasons they should have declared SORNA unconstitutional.

  • April 20, 2022

    And why would someone who has taken a life get better treatment than those of us who had no victim? God forbid I don’t wish a registry on anyone, but coming man.


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