Missouri proposes bill to create registry of murderers
For those who always asked, why isn’t there a registry of Murderers, Missouri is proposing to create one. HB 1705 has just passed through the Missouri House and is headed to the Senate for consideration. The bill specifies that the State Highway Patrol must maintain on its website a registry for violent offenders who are on probation or parole for the offense of first or second degree murder in Missouri or for an equivalent offense in any other state.
However, unlike the sex offender registry, registrants to the murder registry would come off the list once their parole is over.
The States of Illinois, Kansas, Montana and Oklahoma have Homicide Offender Registries. They also exist across the Atlantic in some Countries in Europe as well, too. In the United States theyre Public Registries. In Europe theyre Private Registries.
Don’t let them normalize registries!