Missouri Legislature considers updating sex offender registry

Sex Offender Registry News

State legislators are talking about updating Missouri’s sex offender registry to be more in line with the federal system. Under State Rep. Kurt Bahr’s proposal, three tiers of offenses would be created, corresponding with how serious the crime was, the 3rd, being the most heinous.

Bahr, R-St. Charles tells Missourinet affiliate KSSZ in Columbia that the proposal would make the registry more effective.

“If we can clean the list off of those people who have minor offenses, then the list becomes more helpful because now you can say ‘If this person is on the list, then they’re likely to be more worrisome,’” Bahr says.

His legislation would offer low-level, one-time offenders an escape from being placed on the list for a lifetime. A punishment he says, that makes it difficult for people to rehabilitate.

“If they do not have a job, if they do not have housing, and if they do not have social interaction with others, if those three things aren’t met, somebody is likely to commit another crime,” says Bahr.

First and second level offenders could petition the courts to be taken off the registry after 10 and 25 years respectively. Top tier offenders would be on the registry for life, as would anyone who repeats a sexual crime while on the list.


15 thoughts on “Missouri Legislature considers updating sex offender registry

  • February 13, 2018

    Never thought Missouri would be so progressive minded! A step in the right direction!

  • February 13, 2018

    Finally a Republican with some sense on this issue. I’m going to send this to our local reps and senators; hopefully common sense will be contagious.

  • February 13, 2018

    “Make the registry more effective”….this based on the mistaken belief it is effective at all. And…”more in line with the federal system”. What, are these officials lemmings? Do these officials think for themselves or read any statically analysis? This is insanity and we all know the definition of that.

  • February 13, 2018

    There are some good ideas out there…they’re just not in Florida. My daughter…the victim…of 19+ years ago and I get along just fine now. She has moved to Florida and lives just a few miles away. We are in frequent contact. She has stated to my Florida lawyer…offense was in Virginia…that she would just like to get the family back to normal as it used to be. It’s not Virginia that’s the problem. They are ready to release me from probation if Florida will only so recommend. There’s the ‘rub’. Florida hides behind a policy of no early recommendations. They are too busy defending their jobs to actually do them. My daughter is thus being deprived of having a ‘full time dad’ due to Florida’s stubbornness. This system has got to change. I noticed in the debate on the value of the registry that Hamilton constantly ‘played the child card” but at no time did she acknowledge the damage being done to children of sex offenders. Her argument was so shallow.

    • February 18, 2018

      This is so true. I pray that one day , we all get an opportunity to get off this registry. People here in Florida are so biased. My offense happened in New York back in 1991 and I do not underestimate the crime. I have retained a lawyer in New York to try to get a modification from level 2 to level 1. ,but as we all know, we have challenges here in Florida. I’m so tired, need a vacation, but i’m going to need more than 3 days. When are we all going to see the light at the end of the tunnel? I was involved with another fellow in my crime. I have not spoken to him since the crime 20 years ago. I found out some one killed him, more than likely because he was registrant. His next door neighbor that was in his late 60’s. The moral of the story is we are all targets…. Thank you Florida action committee for you efforts. God bless America and what’s left of it.

  • February 13, 2018

    …….meanwhile in Florida, state legislators craft a bill that will make it illegal for sex offenders to breathe public oxygen. They will be forced to carry around their own oxygen tanks at a cost of $250 a month, with 50% of the proceeds of this fee going to Lauren’s Kids charity…… This was a joke people, it’s not real LOL.

    • February 14, 2018

      Why did it sound so realistic? Maybe I have been putting up with this Florida BS too long.

  • February 14, 2018

    Unbelievable a politician that has his head on his shoulders instead of 3 ft lower . What can be done to support this bill and the state rep. I live in Missouri and this would be very welcome even though it sounds like we would still have to hire an attorney and would be very expensive which would eliminate many being able to do anything about it.

  • February 15, 2018

    Lets not forget Missouri or misery (I lived there for awhile) had a similar plan not that long ago if I’m not mistaken and the Governor vetoed it saying that he wasn’t going to allow sex offender to hide. Was that Missouri or Kansas ?

    • February 18, 2018

      I have a question? I just checked my email junk mail and about once a month for several months someone has been sending out e mail s to everyone . Using the sex offender registry and maps and saying find out where pedophiles live in your area. I have never been accused or convicted of being a pedophile .but I’m on the list. Would it be possible to try and locate where it’s coming from and sue?

      • February 19, 2018

        Sure – you can see who owns the domain or the landing page where the link goes to.
        Then file a civil suit.

        • February 19, 2018

          How do I find out who owns the domain?

          • February 20, 2018

            By the way Missouri is in the process of passing a bill allowing felons to vote.appears as if it will pass with strong support. Well Florida you think Missouri s going to hell for that?

    • February 19, 2018

      I deleted them so I will when they run it again


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