Missouri good news!  8th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Temporary Restraining Order

“In a terse two-sentence decision issued today, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Temporary Restraining Order used by the federal district court on Friday.  As a result, registrants in Missouri are not required to post a sign on the front door of their home on Halloween this year.”

Read about ACSOL’s success in this case and pass on to the registrants in Missouri.


One thought on “Missouri good news!  8th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Temporary Restraining Order

  • October 31, 2023

    If all of these challenges over the years did not happen or were not wins, many of us would be walking around with tattoos or marks on our bodies identifying us as offenders. Or we might have to stand on the corner of a street holding a sign stating we are an offender.


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