MISLEADING TITLE: Nearly 100 Hudson Valley Sex Offenders Removed From New York Streets

The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office reports more than 80 registered and non-registered sex offenders on probation in Westchester County are required to attend the educational program at the Westchester County Courthouse on Monday, October 31 from 5:30 to 10 p.m.
During the educational program, sex offenders will listen to what’s described as compelling stories of devastation committed on both children and adult victims, and gain insight into how those acts could continue to impact a victim throughout their life.

Read More: 80 Hudson Valley Sex Offenders Removed From New York Streets | https://hudsonvalleypost.com/nearly-100-hudson-valley-sex-offenders-removed-from-new-york-streets/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

17 thoughts on “MISLEADING TITLE: Nearly 100 Hudson Valley Sex Offenders Removed From New York Streets

  • October 28, 2022

    They can take their BS class and place it where the ‘sun don’t shine’.

    • October 28, 2022

      Their Registries, and the associated idiocy, have guaranteed that I will never care about any BS lies that they spew in any “class” or anywhere else. Further, my empathy was destroyed long, long ago. What I did was very, very minor compared to all kinds of other crimes that really harm people and no one even whispers about Registering those people, including gang bangers and gun offenders. Especially not for actual decades AFTER their legal sentences end.

      I paid for what I did. Many times over. Decades ago. I don’t care about today’s victims. I had nothing to do with that and “people” who support the Registries are more responsible for that than I ever will be. Registry Supporters cause crime.

    • October 28, 2022

      There is a very fine line between a useful tool for violence prevention and a PR stunt/public shaming session. In this case the tool is being used forcefully & in the wrong context, touted as a “public safety” tool. Shame on them.

  • October 28, 2022

    I guess it’d be too much trouble for the Hudson Valley Post to obtain a quote from even one of the people targeted. The county government’s side of the story is good enough for them.

  • October 28, 2022

    I can think of many more constructive things I could be doing with my time. Apparently someone with a political agenda thought this was a good idea and it actually made it past a committee somehow. It seems like this was just a way for the county to spend taxpayer money. It would be a shame for them if no one showed up.

  • October 28, 2022

    I’m sure the classes are very objective and evidence-based, and are taught by qualified professionals.



  • October 28, 2022

    So, how many sex crimes are committed on Halloween?

    Just like the boogie man… made up to scare people and give the public the impression the police are doing something to prevent crime

  • October 28, 2022

    How about the cops attending a mandatory meeting for a discussion on how their continued civil rights abuses harm not only the victim, but their families? I’m talking about use of excessive force, no knock warrants at the wrong address, shooting unarmed and compliant suspects, beating handcuffed suspects. The list goes on. We are not the boogey men. Rogue cops are the ones the public needs to fear.

    • October 28, 2022

      Not to mention , this is ex-post facto illegal and I’m really sick of the cop out the cops use saying this is way under reported. If it’s under reported that means nobody knows , right? So how is it that nobody knows but they know more than anyone else. So all there really saying is they think they are smarter than anyone else which makes them better than anyone else. What arrogance!!! So their opinions are better than any known facts. That is why so many innocent people get imprisoned and killed by cops because they think they know more than the law. The cops are the ones needing to go to head shrinking classes for the benefit of everyone.

      • October 28, 2022

        It’s not Ex-Post-Facto…It’s only people on probation!

  • October 28, 2022

    So hold up, they’re forcing people on the registry and probation to go, but wth would someone not on the registry, but on probation to have to go? Wth would someone who committed a burglary have to go to a convention centered around sexual victims? Notice that this is only mandatory for those on probation, because those who aren’t, would tell them to go F themselves.

    • October 28, 2022

      You misread the report.

  • October 28, 2022

    If we had a NY activist, and ACTUAL one not a placeholder, then that person would go to the meeting to be the voice of reason.

    Out of all the issues with this report, it is the choice of pictures in the article that were the worst. A man getting arrested, an ankle monitor, and a menacing-looking guy in a ski mask, and probably worse of all, a kid in a prison costume with a (fake) bloody lip?

    The pics alone make this Shiitake-worthy.

    • October 28, 2022

      Derek Logue – We do have activists in NY. Restorative Action Alliance is a grassroots ALL volunteer organization. We are the taking actions that we are able to take with the resources and people we have and making sure that people who are advocating are NOT in danger of being harmed. Do you live or work in New York? Are you aware of what’s happening here on the ground outside of what you see on the news? New York is a LARGE state. Tearing other advocates down calling them “placeholders” when they don’t operate in the manner that you do is a counterproductive practice that needs to stop if you want to chat give me a call.

      • October 28, 2022

        There are A LOT OF very fine advocates in NY. I can name a few who do more fore the registrant community than entire state affiliates combined, and some are not even registrants or related to any!

        • October 28, 2022

          That is VERY TRUE – Many people advocate against the registry in NY. Thank you for acknowledging that.


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