Metro board scuttles vote on proposal to ban people for sex crime arrests

Washington D.C.’s Metro Board had proposed that anyone arrested on SUSPICION of committing a sex offense or a crime involving a firearm should have a temporary ban from using the stations, trains and buses.  Apparently, the people arrested would be guilty until proven innocent.

The bigger issue here, though, is that the board has dropped the proposal as a result of more than 100 letters and messages sent to board members, with most being against the proposal.  Additionally, there were protests at Metro stations and in front of a board member’s house.

With the 2000-plus members of FAC, we can put more pressure on legislative and governing bodies for change.  We should be able to come up with 100 letters, emails and phone calls easily.  Think what might happen if 100 people contacted the Columbia Youth Football Association or the Columbia County Commissioners concerning the cancelation of the annual football jamboree simply because a registrant, who is not re-offending, sits on the board for the park that was to be used.  Think of what could happen if 100 people contact the Safety and Justice Task Force that will be formed in the near future in Florida.

As for protests, ACSOL is planning one at the national level in Washington, D. C. in March of 2023.

There is power in numbers, even in relatively small numbers.


26 thoughts on “Metro board scuttles vote on proposal to ban people for sex crime arrests

  • September 27, 2021

    I wrote and visited the board personally because I’m tired of not doing anything. I went In cool, calm and professional making my voice heard. I’m tired of way to many registrants being afraid, offended, and sitting on the sidelines when it comes to making waves.

    • September 27, 2021

      Hell yeah!

    • September 28, 2021

      Thank you so much, Brandon.

  • September 27, 2021

    Guilty till proven innocent…this is the apparent approach now in our so called “justice system.” Glad the proposal was shot down.

    • September 28, 2021


      As a former cop, anytime you are arrested and the officer, him or herself did not witness the offense, you are basically guilty until proven innocent. If any of our neighbors wanted to get rid of us, all it would take is for them to say we did something to their kid. Who do you think they would believe.

      And, even if you prove your innocence, you have spent untold thousands of dollars, had a new arrest and probably had your face spread all over the news. They say time heals all wounds. It takes years for people to forget about you. But the news likes to dig up old stories. Every once in a while you see Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman on the news brought back because they were “Seen in the grocery store”. Wow breaking news.

  • September 27, 2021

    And just how the hell would they have pulled this off? Just like NYC tried to do. Never ever was there any need to show an ID to enter a subway station or any public transportation. So how would they know? Facial recognition cameras? Good luck with that while people are still wearing face diapers during the plandemic. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • September 28, 2021


      You owe me a new keyboard LOL
      I just spit out my coffee. “Face diapers”.
      Awwwhhahhahah I just peed.

  • September 27, 2021

    Give me addresses and I’ll write letters all day!

    • September 28, 2021

      Columbia County Commissioners are Ron Williams, Toby Witt, Rocky Ford, Robby Hollingsworth, and Tim Murphy at P.O. Box 1529, Lake City, FL 32056-1529
      Columbia Youth Football Association at P.O. Box 1326, Lake City, FL 32056

      • September 28, 2021

        Thank you, Capt. Munsey.

    • September 28, 2021

      Thank you

  • September 27, 2021

    I have added the Columbia County Commissioners and the Columbia Youth Football Association to my FAC Media Blitz Phase 2 list. The will get all 13 letters in the series.

  • September 27, 2021

    What’s next? Registered persons banned from going in person to the grocery store? Or worse, anywhere we go in public we have to pay for a trained registry enforcement officer to escort us during any visit. Even a doctors visit.

    Nothing surprises me anymore. I predict a mad run on banks with a new proposal where the government now wants banks to hand over all bank account information so the IRS can investigate if Americans are cheating the IRS out of money.

    They can check my account. On Account of ” I ain’t go no money.”

    • September 29, 2021

      Like I said in other posts
      the back of the bus seperate drinking fountains shall I say more

      • September 29, 2021


        The difference is, those folks were treated badly for the color of their skin. The Jews were killed for their beliefs.

        U.S. federal law protects individuals from discrimination or harassment based on the following nine protected classes: sex, race, age, disability, color, creed, national origin, religion, or genetic information

        I doubt being on the registry or being an ex offender will ever be a protected class. However, going beyond those protections. EVERYONE has the right to be free of harm. And while on the registry, we have a target and a bounty on our heads by those who want to harm us.

        What is odd is, you almost NEVER hear of a victim or accuser coming after a former sex offender. And only on a rare occasion does a family member of a victim do so. But all these news stories of registered citizens being attacked or killed seem to be of random vigilantes trying to get a pat on the back.

  • September 28, 2021

    So a Board member is being used as the reason a Parade should NOT be held at a Park? WOW, I offended in 1997, and still People in this area are having issues, with my Training Club…specifically a Lawyet that is representing the Husband of the Manager of our Sports Club. She had 3 children with him,, and only gets them ever other weekend, But thr Husband’s Lawyet keeps trying to sell the Judge a false narrative that Im a danger to the kids,, LOL and he has tossed out her claims 3 times.
    So now she has started harassing thr Gym Facility that we train at, stating that the Gym should be ashamed, NOW she’s subpoenaed the Gym Facility for our Clubs Insurance Records, and Video in the Facility, and also Any disciplinary actions taken against me by the Facility on inappropriate conduct between me and Children…Lol…I just filed a complaint with the ACAP

    This woman has a copy of the letter from FDLE that stated there is NO Restrictions on me training my group on Kids….Its A Private Sports Complex not associated with ANY PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS. We already Got one Kid into College for basketball, and Scouts looking at another of our Kids….Why can’t th is Lawyer just leave us alone?.. I didn’t want to do this but after her last act yesturday, and the Facimity telling us they can’t deal with the Drama of this Lawyer Subpeona to produce that info….They asked us to Find another facility to Train out Kids…Which isn’t fair….also my Registration ended in 2007, for my 1997 charges, but because I moved to florida from Illinois, and its on my record, they put me on the list for life….How fitting, I’m helping my community, and this Lawyer socks money from people then hide behind the court system….its Harassment in my eye… And all these other Lawyers stand by and do Nothing…it’s like a Fraternity of Bad Cops….

  • September 28, 2021

    What do they expect when people using the subways as transportation and crowded, someone will bump into another person. Doesn’t mean hey you wanna tango. A solution looking for a problem that most likely isn’t intentional bumping.

  • September 28, 2021

    I thought it was ACSOL planning the DC protest.

    • September 28, 2021

      You are absolutely correct. My guess, though, is that NARSOL will be participating in some way. Thanks.

      Good article today in The Crime Report. We will be posting it soon.

  • September 28, 2021

    My wife was sexually assaulted on the Metro. But she understands that policies such as this are a fake solution.

    • September 29, 2021


      So sorry about what happened to your wife. The problem is, people are afraid to get involved. I have intervened (Even being a felon on the registry) many times in things I have seen where others just stood around and watched.

      I guess people are either afraid they will get hurt physically or that they will be sued or arrested. I can just stand by and watch someone get attacked. Also, often if just ONE person acts, that will empower others to help as well. Although I have never been to NY, it is a shame there ever had to be the Guardian Angels. Why? Because there should have either been an officer or security on every metro train subway.

      Also it is funny how people are hypocrites and this time will stick up a little for police as I was an officer. If you “Pro actively” patrol you are accused of harassment. If you just sit in your car and wait for a call, then you are accused of doing nothing while you should be patrolling. I use to love patrol and I am not sure who I could stand less, the other cops or the public. That is why I transferred to Homicide. It was creepy but no one ever gave me a hard time because they were deceased.

      • September 29, 2021

        CherokeeJack, you are so correct. I see it in my church. Good people afraid to take a stand for anything because they are afraid of how it will look. There are people in this world that you just can’t please no matter what you do so I take action to do what is right by my conscience and let the ‘chips’ fall where they might. If good men don’t take a stand, they surely will fall.

        • September 29, 2021


          I saw reports of all the Asian people in the U.S that have been being attacked because the attackers think all Asian people are responsible for covid. Well even if they were, why act like a Donkeys ass and attack them. But we all know those people being attacked probably have zero connections to the creators of covid.

          The bigger problem is, people just stood around and did nothing to help those being attacked. People are always willing to get into OUR business of being a registrant, but they hide in the shadows and are NOT heroes.

          The dictionary defines a hero as follows : a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

          So the opposite of Hero is a coward or a selfish person. When I see something going on and people just standing around with the phones filming the incident like it is some game makes me sick. What if that was YOUR brother, Mother, or child being attacked?

          • September 30, 2021


  • September 30, 2021

    Will FAC or some of the organization’s members be in Washington inMarch of 2023? Registrants have time to organize and get their affairs in order, so we can make our voices heard.

    • September 30, 2021

      Yes, we are working on that. This is important.


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