Member Submission: NCL no longer allowing registrants to cruise

MEMBER SUBMISSION: I wanted to share a recent experience with you of being denied boarding on Norwegian Cruise Line. I have previously been on one of their cruises after my conviction with no problems after researching what cruise lines allowed people forced to register. We planned this new cruise on NCL with 12 other family members, my husband and I for a family vacation. I received a call from NCL one week prior to the cruise and was told my reservation was being canceled and because I was on the sex offender registry and I could not appeal the decision. I looked up and contacted Matthew Lewis (Sr. VP Chief Security Officer) and was then contacted by Scott Bernstein (Director of Security Operations and Investigations) who’s was very polite and professional. He said he would look into the matter and call me back. He called me back the next day and told me that it was a new policy, started on June 1st 2022 and purely by being on the registry regardless of my crime, which was non-violent with no actual victim from a sting operation, bans me from being allowed on their ships. I don’t know what you will do with this information but I wanted to share it with you.

138 thoughts on “Member Submission: NCL no longer allowing registrants to cruise

  • July 20, 2022

    Been there, done that with Carnival after several sailings in the past with no issues. Every cruise line has it stated in their ticket contract that if you are on any government watch list, you can be denied passage. My husband and I want to cruise again, we may try Virgin since it’s 18 and up only, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

    • July 20, 2022

      try Viking also they are 18 and up also

  • July 20, 2022

    After 29 years in the Navy, I couldn’t give a dame about cruising!

  • July 20, 2022

    Wow, this is very sad. I have always enjoyed Norwegian Cruise lines and I have built quite a status on them. I wonder if this is going to be like some of the other cruises hit or miss sometimes some registrants have no problem. Others have problems all the time. Also Norwegian foes international. I’ve been on many international and domestic cruises with no problem. I wonder if the INTERNATIONAL is also going to have an issue with same checks and Rulea. I wonder why after so many years.

  • July 20, 2022

    Valuable and useful contribution from this Member.

    We’ll be tempted to blame the cruise line. But remember, it is the state, and not the cruise line, that is officially labeling the passenger as as sex offender. It’s the state that places the cruise line’s security execs in the position of having to explain why they’re permitting a ‘known sex offender’ to board.

    We can share re-offense stats with the cruise line til we’re blue in the face, but so long as the state website tells the cruise line that someone is a sex offender, I don’t see much progress.

  • July 20, 2022

    keep trying don’t give up if you like cruises. Always contact security of each cruise line and get permission before making reservations so you don’t get your hopes up r waste your time. I know Viking cruises does not allow anyone under 18 on their ships so that might be an options if you don’t have children.

  • July 20, 2022

    I’m waiting for the day the EPA says we are no longer allowed to breath the same air as the “decent” folks. I would say lol but I’m afraid the government might really try it because this crap is getting way out of control.


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